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Results 121 - 128 of 128.

Physics - Chemistry - 24.01.2020
How to Take a Picture of a Light Pulse
How to Take a Picture of a Light Pulse
Until now, complex experimental equipment was required to measure the shape of a light pulse. A team from TU Wien (Vienna), MPI Garching and LMU Munich has now made this much easier. Today, modern lasers can generate extremely short light pulses, which can be used for a wide range of applications from investigating materials to medical diagnostics.

Environment - Transport - 21.01.2020
New exhaust gas measurement registers ultrafine pollutant particles for the first time
New exhaust gas measurement registers ultrafine pollutant particles for the first time
By Christoph Pelzl Together with international partners, researchers at Graz University of Technology have developed a measurement method that measures particles below 10 nanometres for the first time and will contribute to the implementation of future, stricter emission standards. Additional at the end of the text A few days ago, the European Commission presented its Green Deal, which aims to make the EU climate neutral by 2050 in order to protect the environment and improve people's health and quality of life.

Physics - Materials Science - 20.01.2020
Record-breaking Terahertz Laser Beam
Record-breaking Terahertz Laser Beam
A new, extremely efficient source of terahertz radiation has been developed at TU Wien (Vienna): Lasers turn air into plasma, thereby producing terahertz rays for many possible applications. Terahertz radiation is used for security checks at airports, for medical examinations and also for quality checks in industry.

Physics - Materials Science - 17.01.2020
A New Look at
A New Look at "Strange Metals"
For years, a new synthesis method has been developed at TU Wien (Vienna) to unlock the secrets of "strange metals". Now a breakthrough has been achieved. The results have been published in "Science". Superconductors allow electrical current to flow without any resistance - but only below a certain critical temperature.

Physics - Chemistry - 14.01.2020
The mysterious movement of water molecules
The mysterious movement of water molecules
By Birgit Baustädter Water is all around us and essential for life. Nevertheless, research into its behaviour at the atomic level - above all how it interacts with surfaces - is thin on the ground. Thanks to a new experimental method, TU Graz researchers have now delivered insights into the atomic-level movement of water molecules, which they outline in a paper in Nature Communications.

Physics - Computer Science - 13.01.2020
Quantum encryption realized under the sea
Quantum encryption realized under the sea
An international team of researchers from the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the University of Vienna established a quantum encrypted connection between Sicily and Malta via a submarine cable. The record distance of 192 kilometres was a further step in the development of a secure quantum internet.

Chemistry - Physics - 08.01.2020
A new form of glass through molecular entanglement
A new form of glass through molecular entanglement
Physicists at the University of Vienna in collaboration with the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research have discovered a new type of glass formed by long, cyclic molecules. The scientists successfully demonstrated that by making parts of the rings more mobile, the rings become more strongly entangled and the molecular fluid glassifies.

Astronomy / Space - Computer Science - 07.01.2020
The giant in our stars
The giant in our stars
Interconnected stellar nurseries form the largest gaseous structure ever observed in the Milky Way galaxy. Astronomers of the University of Vienna and Harvard University have discovered a monolithic, wave-shaped gaseous structure - the largest ever seen in our galaxy - made up of interconnected stellar nurseries.