Distinct Nerve Wiring of Human Memory

Life Sciences - Dec 11
Life Sciences

ISTA biologists team up with neurosurgeons to unravel the human brain's specificities. The black box of the human brain is starting to crack open.

Life Sciences - Dec 12

Humans store memories differently than mice

The black box of the human brain is beginning to open. Although animal models are crucial for our understanding of the mammalian brain, the less frequently collected human data reveal important peculiarities. In a recent paper published in the journal Cell, a team led by the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) and the Medical University of Vienna has shed light on the human hippocampal region CA3, which is central to memory storage.

Health - Dec 12

Ignaz Semmelweis Institute takes up its work

The Ignaz Semmelweis Institute will start work at the beginning of 2025. This new institute with a focus on infection biology and pandemic preparedness is a collaboration between MedUni Vienna, MedUni Graz, MedUni Innsbruck, Johannes Kepler University Linz and the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna. The institute is dedicated to infectious disease research in order to achieve a better understanding of pathogens and diseases as well as the development of countermeasures such as therapeutics and vaccines.

Life Sciences - Dec 12

New insights into the mechanism of the hippocampus

The black box of the human brain is beginning to open. Although animal models are crucial for our understanding of the mammalian brain, the less frequently collected human data reveal important peculiarities. In a recent paper published in the journal Cell, a team led by the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) and the Medical University of Vienna has shed light on the human hippocampal region CA3, which is central to memory storage.

Health - Dec 10

Cancer therapy: New option for the treatment of permanent hair loss

As much as targeted therapy using so-called EGFR inhibitors has proven its worth for various types of tumours, possible side effects can be very stressful for patients.

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