news 2020



Results 1 - 6 of 6.

Electroengineering - 23.12.2020
Solar storms as danger for the power grid
Solar storms as danger for the power grid
By Birgit Baustädter Power cuts have a wide variety of causes. Mostly we think of damaged power lines due to wind and weather or unplanned power surges that overload the grid. But solar storms can also lead to them. Electricity is omnipresent in our lives. So omnipresent that we no longer even consciously perceive it.

Electroengineering - Innovation - 27.11.2020
TU Graz starts CD laboratory for multifunctional and highly integrated electronic components
TU Graz starts CD laboratory for multifunctional and highly integrated electronic components
By Susanne Eigner The Christian Doppler Laboratory for Technology-Guided Electronic Component Design and Characterization investigates ways to better control electromagnetic interactions in smart networked devices, especially in the 5G frequency range. In smartphones and many other complex, wirelessly networked devices, sophisticated technologies are used to integrate the individual electronic components into the housing.

Physics - Electroengineering - 14.09.2020
Physicists Discover New Magnetoelectric Effect
Physicists Discover New Magnetoelectric Effect
In a very unusual way, the electrical and magnetic properties of a particular crystal are linked together - the phenomenon was discovered and explained at TU Wien (Vienna). Electricity and magnetism are closely related: Power lines generate a magnetic field, rotating magnets in a generator produce electricity.

Materials Science - Electroengineering - 13.07.2020
New Materials for Extra Thin Computer Chips
New Materials for Extra Thin Computer Chips
For a long time, something important has been neglected in electronics: If you want to make electronic components smaller and smaller, you also need the right insulator materials. Ever smaller and ever more compact - this is the direction in which computer chips are developing, driven by industry. This is why so-called 2D materials are considered to be the great hope: they are as thin as a material can possibly be, in extreme cases they consist of only one single layer of atoms.

Electroengineering - Computer Science - 27.05.2020
Electronics Based Systems: The Basis for our Future
Electronics Based Systems: The Basis for our Future
By Birgit Baustädter Electronics-based systems have long since found their way into our everyday lives. Consciously in the form of new technical gadgets and unconsciously in the form of embedded systems. It is therefore impossible to imagine our familiar life without electronics-based systems. But, and here researchers are in agreement, they will continue to shape our environment in the future as the basis for many innovative developments.

Life Sciences - Electroengineering - 26.05.2020
Novel Electric Impulses Relieve the Pain
Novel Electric Impulses Relieve the Pain
Stimulating the vagus nerve in the ear can help relieving chronic pain. TU Wien and MedUni Vienna have developed novel, sophisticated methods for electric stimulation of the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve plays an important role in our body. It consists of various fibres, some of which connect to the internal organs, but the vagus nerve can also be found in the ear.