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Results 1 - 20 of 21.

Physics - Chemistry - 12.12.2012
Ultra-short laser pulses control chemical processes
How can molecules be split in a controlled manner? A new experiment at the TU Vienna shows how research into ultra-short laser pulses can be combined with chemistry. Chemical reactions occur so quickly that it is completely impossible to observe their progress or to control them using conventional methods.

Physics - 13.11.2012
Powering lasers through heat
Powering lasers through heat
In micro electronics heat often causes problems and engineers have to put a lot of technical effort into cooling, for example micro chips, to dissipate heat that is generated during operation. Innsbruck physicists have now suggested a concept for a laser that could be powered by heat. This idea may open a completely new way for cooling microchips.

Physics - Innovation - 12.11.2012
CERN Collider to Become the World’s Fastest Stopwatch?
Light pulses a million times shorter than previously possible: Scientists at the Vienna University of Technology are proposing a new measuring method, using equipment which will soon be available at CERN. Heavy ion collisions at CERN should be able to produce the shortest light pulses ever created. This was demonstrated by computer simulations at the Vienna University of Technology.

Physics - Innovation - 05.11.2012
Electron Microscopes With a Twist
Vortex beams, rotating like a tornado, offer completely new possibilities for electron microscopy. A method of producing extremely intense vortex beams has been discovered at the Vienna University of Technology (TU Vienna). Nowadays, electron microscopes are an essential tool, especially in the field of materials science.

Chemistry - Physics - 08.10.2012
Catalytic converters like it hot
Vienna University of Technology has successfully clarified what it is the required operating temperatures of catalytic converters in cars depend on. Catalytic converters work poorly if they have not yet warmed up. Tiny metal particles in a catalytic converter require a minimum temperature to function efficiently.

Astronomy / Space - 13.09.2012
Summer Rain More Likely over Drier Soils
Where does it rain on a hot day's afternoon? New satellite data show that soil moisture plays an important role. It influences precipitation in a way which is quite different from what models have predicted so far. Summer rain is more likely over drier soil - this is the conclusion scientists have drawn from a detailed analysis of satellite data.

Physics - Chemistry - 03.09.2012
The Quantum World Only Partially Melts
At the Vienna University of Technology, the transition of quantum systems towards thermal equilibrium has been investigated. Scientists have detected an astonishingly stable intermediate state between order and disorder. The results have now been published in the journal "Science". Every day we observe systems thermalizing: Ice cubes in a pot of hot water will melt and will never remain stable.

Environment - Astronomy / Space - 19.06.2012
Soil Moisture Climate Data Record observed from Space
[ Florian Aigner, Wolfgang Wagner Soil moisture influences our climate. For the first time, long-term data for the whole world is now presented by ESA, the Vienna University of Technology and the Free University of Amsterdam. The future of the world's climate is determined by various parameters, such as the density of clouds or the mass of the Antarctic ice sheet.

Physics - Astronomy / Space - 18.06.2012
Black Holes as Particle Detectors
[ Florian Aigner Previously undiscovered particles could be detected as they accumulate around black holes say Scientists at the Vienna University of Technology. Finding new particles usually requires high energies ' that is why huge accelerators have been built, which can accelerate particles to almost the speed of light.

Physics - Innovation - 08.06.2012
Bright X-Ray Flashes Created in Laser Lab
A breakthrough in laser science was achieved in Vienna: In the labs of the Photonics Institute at the Vienna University of Technology, a new method of producing bright laser pulses at x-ray energies was developed. The radiation covers a broad energy spectrum and can therefore be used for a wide range of applications, from materials science to medicine.

Physics - Chemistry - 30.05.2012
The finest gold dust in the world
Most people value large chunks of gold - but scientists at the Vienna University of Technology are interested in gold at the smallest possible scale, because single gold atoms are potentially the most reactive catalysts for chemical reactions. However, when gold atoms are placed on a surface they tend to ball up into tiny nuggets consisting of several atoms.

Physics - 22.05.2012
Quantum Condensate of the Thirteenth Kind
First Bose-Einstein condensate of erbium produced in Innsbruck Francesca Ferlaino's research team at the University of Innsbruck is the first to successfully create a condensate of the exotic element erbium. The Innsbruck experimental physicists hold the world record in attaining the first Bose-Einstein condensates of different chemical elements.

Physics - 15.05.2012
Watching an Electron Being Born
A strong laser beam can remove an electron from an atom - a process which takes place almost instantly. At the Vienna University of Technology, this phenomenon could now be studied with a time resolution of less than ten attoseconds (ten billionths of a billionth of a second). Scientists succeeded in watching an atom being ionized and a free electron being "born".

Electroengineering - Physics - 25.04.2012
Scientists Predict Paradoxical Laser Effect
Two lamps are brighter than one. This simple truism does not necessarily apply to lasers, as a team of scientists, led by the Vienna University of Technology found out. When one laser is shining and next to it another laser is turned on gradually, complex interactions between the two lasers can lead to a total shutdown and no light is emitted anymore.

Chemistry - Physics - 20.03.2012
Inexhaustible Energy Carrier Hydrogen
Methanol, water and a copper-zinc catalyst may be used to produce carbon monoxide depleted hydrogen, a power source for PEM (polymer-electrolyte-membrane) fuel cells, with high efficiency. By identifying the copper-zinc phase, which generates particularly clean hydrogen, Innsbruck scientists have cleared a hurdle for cutting-edge energy use.

Physics - Innovation - 12.03.2012
3D-Printer with Nano-Precision
Printing three dimensional objects with incredibly fine details is now possible using "two-photon lithography". With this technology, tiny structures on a nanometer scale can be fabricated. Researchers at the Vienna University of Technology (TU Vienna) have now made a major breakthrough in speeding up this printing technique: The high-precision-3D-printer at TU Vienna is orders of magnitude faster than similar devices (see video).

Physics - Chemistry - 27.02.2012
Finding Explosives with Laser Beams
Scientists at Vienna University of Technology have found a way to detect chemicals over long distances, even if they are enclosed in containers. People like to keep a safe distance from explosive substances, but in order to analyze them, close contact is usually inevitable. At the Vienna University of Technology, a new method has now been developed to detect chemicals inside a container over a distance of more than a hundred meters.

Physics - 06.02.2012
Digital Quantum Simulator Realized
Embargoed until 20:00 CEST Thursday , The physicists of the University of Innsbruck and the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI) in Innsbruck have come considerably closer to their goal to investigate complex phenomena in a model system: They have realized a digital, and therefore, universal quantum simulator in their laboratory, which can, in principle, simulate any physical system efficiently.

Physics - Astronomy / Space - 24.01.2012
Jupiter’s ,,Trojans" on an Atomic Scale
The planet Jupiter keeps asteroids on stable orbits - and in a similar way, electrons can be stabilized in their orbit around the atomic nucleus. Calculations carried out at the Vienna University of Technology have now been verified in an experiment. Planets can orbit a star for billions of years. Electrons circling the atomic nucleus are often visualized as tiny planets.

Physics - Astronomy / Space - 17.01.2012
The Perfect Liquid - Now Even More Perfect
Previous theories imposed a limit on how "liquid" fluids can be. Recent results at the Vienna University of Technology suggest that this limit can be broken by a quark-gluon plasma, generated by heavy-ion collisions in particle accelerators. How liquid can a fluid be? This is a question particle physicists at the Vienna University of Technology have been working on.