Update Services Human Resources Development Summer Semester 2020

Internal PE program via distance learning +++ Childcare in summer holidays +++ Offers from Occupational Health and sports +++ External consultancy services +++ RoadMap NEW!

"Internal PE program" change of formats to distance learning for employees

After having already purchased a comprehensive package of online formats in March, we are now all the more pleased that many of our proven trainers have joined us on this journey and have developed their existing presence seminar into a virtual seminar. All seminars and also the accompanying formats for young scientists (Wina+ and PostDoc Coaching) will be conducted exclusively virtually until the end of June. Due to the very positive feedback, the contingent of virtual seminars will be maintained/expanded in the future.

You can find the courses as usual in TISS at: https://tiss.tuwien.ac.at/w­eiterbildu­ngskatalog , opens an external URL in a new window

Here too, a small note: the catalogue of further education in TISS has also been further developed, and you will only see seminars that are available to you (if these address a different target group or the registration deadline is in the past, this will not be shown in your overview). You are welcome to contact us with questions or feedback if you miss something.

The program for the winter semester will exceptionally be announced at the beginning of September this year.

Childcare in summer holidays

All parents are certainly eagerly waiting for. The basic decision has been positive and we are working hard together with our colleagues from the building and technical departments as well as our external cooperation partners to define the concrete implementation (safety measures, number of children, rooms, etc.).

We are confident to have this information available next week. All those who would like to receive this information, please contact us at https://list.tuwien.ac.at/symp­a/subscrib­e/tu-kids?­previous_a­ction=info , opens an external URL in a new window to register for the corresponding newsletter.

All those who have already registered their child for one or more childcare services will of course receive specific information directly.

Offers from Occupational Health and sports

The Occupational Medical Service continues to be there for you even in times of pandemic. In addition to telephone and e-mail , it is also possible to make use of the. You can find out what you need to know at: https://www.tuwien.at/filea­dmin/Asset­s/dienstle­ister/geba­eude_und_t­echnik/ASI­/ASI_logge­d_0402.pdf , opens an external URL in a new window

Not all of our courses can be transferred into the virtual world, so we had to take our sports courses out of the program and would like to recommend the ASKÖ portal to you so that you can still stay fit - choose your course and join in the gymnastics: https://www.gesundheitssport-onl­ine.at/de# , opens an external URL in a new window

External consultancy services

As before, you can also take advantage of our external consulting services (coaching, support of teams, etc.). In consultation with the respective consultants, the coaching units can be carried out either on site in the practice, by telephone or as a video conference. If you are interested, please contact Louisa Holub: louisa.holub @ tuwien.ac.at

In addition, in the current situation there is the possibility to get in touch directly with our selected consultants for certain focal points such as home office, child care, worries (about relatives), leadership topics. You can find information on this at https://www.tuwien.at/tu-wien/o­rganisatio­n/zentrale­-services/­personalen­twicklung/­coaching-u­nd-externe­-beratung/ , opens an external URL in a new window.

RoadMap NEW!

In line with the current wave of digitalisation, we would like to draw your attention to an existing and completely revised online information tool :

If you are currently planning a maternity leave or time-out and would like to find out more, you will find helpful information and supporting tips in the newly designed "RoadMap KarenzManagement of the TU Wien". This information platform is offered and maintained by the TU Kids & Care office in cooperation with ABZ*Austria and thus always provides the most up-to-date information for all TU employees.

https://karenzplanung.tu­wien.ac.at , opens an external URL in a new window