Aktualitäten 2019



Results 1 - 11 of 11.

Life Sciences - Health - 16.12.2019
New Horizons for Arterial Spin Labeling
Over the last two decades researchers have been working on a contrast-agent free magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) method called Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL) for detecting blood flow changes within the brain and other organs. Recent improvements in imaging hardware, new strategies for efficient data sampling and sophisticated reconstruction algorithms have now brought the application out of research into clinical practice.

Innovation - Health - 12.11.2019
Graz universities celebrated their flashes of genius
Graz universities celebrated their flashes of genius
By Christoph Pelzl Med Uni Graz, TU Graz and Uni Graz yesterday honoured those scientists who have pioneered research in the last two years with their inventions and patents. Since 2015, the Medical University of Graz, Graz University of Technology and the University of Graz have been honouring particularly "inventive" researchers in a joint ceremony every two years.

Health - Life Sciences - 11.10.2019
New method for quicker and simpler production of lipidated proteins
New method for quicker and simpler production of lipidated proteins
By Christoph Pelzl The new method developed at TU Graz and the University of Vienna is leading to a better understanding of natural protein modifications and improved protein therapeutics. Additional at the end of the text Some of the body's proteins are not just made up of amino acids, they are also 'decorated' with lipid chains, which significantly influence the biological functions of the protein.

Health - 04.07.2019
The ancestor of the great white shark
The ancestor of the great white shark
The unique tooth structure of the great white shark gives new insights into its origin Mackerel sharks (Lamniformes) are a group consisting of some of the most iconic sharks we know, including the mako shark (the fastest shark in the world), the infamous great white shark and Megalodon, the biggest predatory shark that has ever roamed the world's oceans.

Health - Life Sciences - 18.06.2019
Antidepressants can reduce the empathic empathy
Antidepressants can reduce the empathic empathy
Antidepressant treatment, not only depression per se, can lead to reductions in behavioral and neural responses to pain empathy Depression is a disorder that often comes along with strong impairments of social functioning. Until recently, researchers assumed that acute episodes of depression also impair empathy, an essential skill for successful social interactions and understanding others.

Health - Life Sciences - 12.06.2019
The Fascination of the Abstract
The Fascination of the Abstract
By Werner Schandor Jürgen Hartler hardly has time for swimming, his favourite pastime, because he's busy conducting research into mass spectrometry of lipids at UC San Diego - where the sea is on his doorstop. "I haven't had much time to go to the beach," explains the bioinformatics expert, who began his year-long stay at UC San Diego's Department of Pharmacology in October 2018.

Health - Life Sciences - 14.05.2019
Symbionts as lifesavers
Symbionts as lifesavers
Researchers discover new factor influencing the spread of Legionella When people fall ill from bacterial infection, the first priority is to treat the disease. But where do these pathogens come from and how do they thrive in the environment before the infection occurs' An international team led by Matthias Horn from the Centre for Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science at the University of Vienna has tackled this question using an important bacterial pathogen that causes lung disease.

Health - Innovation - 03.05.2019
How smart is our health?
How smart is our health?
By Birgit Baustädter IT-expert Christian Poellabauer conducts research on smart health at his home university Notre Dame du Lac in the US state of Indiana. In the summer semester he is carrying out research at TU Graz. Christian Poellabauer studied at TU Wien (Vienna University of Technology). For his doctorate he moved to a different continent and worked at Georgia Institute of Technology in the US state of Georgia.

Life Sciences - Health - 07.03.2019
Excessive hygiene promotes resistance to antibiotics
Excessive hygiene promotes resistance to antibiotics
By Christoph Pelzl In Nature Communications, researchers from Graz, Austria present new perspectives to prevent the spread of antibiotic resistances in hospitals. Additional at the end of the text. The number of people who die from antibiotic-resistant germs is increasing worldwide. The World Health Organization WHO considers the spread of antibiotic resistance and appropriate countermeasures as one of the most important global challenges nowadays.

Life Sciences - Health - 04.02.2019
Where does this contamination come from?
Where does this contamination come from?
When bodies of water become polluted, it is important to find the cause as quickly and as economically as possible. To this end, TU Wien has now developed a new, DNA-based rapid testing procedure. Water contamination is one of the world's major health risks. In order to swiftly resolve the problem in the event of faecal contamination, it is vital that the cause is identified as quickly as possible: is it contamination from agriculture?

Health - Pharmacology - 14.01.2019
Herbal antioxidants are becoming increasingly important
Herbal antioxidants are becoming increasingly important
Secondary plant compounds as an alternative to antioxidant vitamins and minerals The human organism is constantly exposed to so-called free radicals, which are a burden on the body. If they get out of hand, the result is oxidative stress, which can promote disease. While this has been treated in the past with the help of antioxidant vitamins and minerals, scientists are now increasingly turning to the use of phytochemicals, representing plant secondary metabolites.