wire - kurze nachrichten
Results 1 - 50 of 259.
Environment - 10.02.2025
Successful Participation - ’Wanted: Sustainable Last Mile Delivery Heroes’
Environment - Innovation - 07.02.2025

Environment - Laboratory - 07.02.2025

Transport - Environment - 30.01.2025

The new method optimises the technical design with regard to classic objectives such as costs, efficiency and package space requirements and also takes greenhouse gas emissions along the entire supply chain into account.
Environment - Campus - 30.01.2025

Environment - 22.01.2025

An international study with the participation of BOKU University sheds light on how climate change affects the hydrological balance of soils and the resilience of ecosystems.
Environment - Agronomy / Food Science - 20.01.2025
Sustainability in focus: How the CeFoodCycle research project is saving edible food
Environment - 13.01.2025

Allergy sufferers in Vienna and eastern Austria need to be prepared for the start of the hazel pollen season.
Environment - 20.12.2024

Innovation - Environment - 19.12.2024

Environment - History / Archeology - 16.12.2024

The photographs taken by the US Air Force offer a unique opportunity to analyse the state of Austrian glaciers on a large scale after the end of the Second World War.
Innovation - Environment - 10.12.2024

Environment - 02.12.2024

Environment - Architecture - 28.10.2024

For us, utilising solar energy often means generating electricity using photovoltaics. Sophisticated architectural modifications, however, make much more possible.
Environment - Economics - 24.10.2024

The expansion of PV in Austria is progressing. Sonja Wogrin and Alexander Konrad from the Institute of Electricity Economics and Energy Innovation at TU Graz explain how the grids need to be expanded for this and which storage systems make sense.
Environment - Innovation - 23.10.2024
Carbon Capture on Board Ships as a Valuable Transition Technology
Researchers at TU Graz have evaluated various carbon capture technologies for use in shipping. These technologies will be necessary to achieve the climate targets, but they will realistically not enable complete capturing of greenhouse gases on board.
Environment - Event - 22.10.2024

Environment - Earth Sciences - 15.10.2024
Tracking Down Alternative PV Areas
Where is the space to generate the legally required amount of photovoltaic electricity in Austria by 2030? A research Eleven terawatt hours (TWh) is the amount of electricity to be generated from photovoltaic systems in Austria in 2030.
Life Sciences - Environment - 04.10.2024
FWF awards funding for new Cluster of Excellence featuring TU Graz
Computer Science - Environment - 27.09.2024
Ceremonial launch of the TU Graz Cybersecurity Campus
Environment - Electroengineering - 17.09.2024

Campus - Environment - 16.09.2024
Wood research: Habilitation of Eugenia Mariana Tudor
Environment - Event - 15.09.2024
Flooding in Klosterneuburg
Physics - Environment - 05.09.2024
Marco De Paoli: Flows in evolving porous materials
Environment - Innovation - 21.08.2024

Environment - 09.08.2024
Environmentally friendly solutions for aviation
Environment - Earth Sciences - 01.08.2024

Atmosphere, Ocean, and Climate Researcher Caroline Muller Promoted to Professor Caroline Muller , one of the first climate researchers to join the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) in 2021, was promoted to full professor.
Environment - Transport - 01.08.2024

For a long time, large engines only knew one operating condition: full load. Nowadays, though, they are used much more flexibly and can effectively balance fluctuating electricity production, in particular from renewable energy sources.
Environment - Chemistry - 01.08.2024

Methanol, ammonia, and hydrogen are waiting in the wings to replace problematic heavy fuel oil in ship propulsion systems.
Environment - Campus - 30.07.2024
FH Salzburg in the Alliance of Sustainable Universities
Transport - Environment - 23.07.2024

Environment - 01.07.2024

Innovation - Environment - 20.06.2024

Environment - Computer Science - 20.06.2024

An interdisciplinary team at TU Graz is revolutionising the design of sustainable buildings. The advantages and disadvantages of different construction measures are visualised in real time using VR simulation.
Chemistry - Environment - 13.06.2024

Economics - Environment - 06.06.2024
The mobility turnaround can be learned
Environment - Electroengineering - 31.05.2024

Environment - Earth Sciences - 29.04.2024

April 29, 2024 C/O Vienna Magazine interview with ISTA Professor Francesca Pellicciotti Glaciers are not only tremendously beautiful but also tremendously alive.
Environment - Campus - 17.04.2024
Sustainable design: award-winning exhibits at Campus Kuchl
Environment - 03.04.2024

When water suppliers are faced with the question of how well their systems are prepared for future developments such as climate change and population growth, they now have an answer.
Transport - Environment - 28.03.2024

From mopeds to lorries, vehicles and their emissions can be examined on the roller test bench at TU Graz - without moving from the spot.
Art and Design - Environment - 21.03.2024

Environment - Astronomy / Space - 19.03.2024

With its MINKT laboratory, TU Graz offers children and young people a programme that is unique in Austria.
Environment - 13.03.2024
Danube AgriFood Erasmus Mundus Joint Master
Environment - Innovation - 27.02.2024
The Unite! Alliance at TU Graz
Environment - Earth Sciences - 29.01.2024

An international team of scientists including Elisabeth Schlosser from the Department of Atmospheric and Cryospheric Sciences extensively documented an exceptional warming event in Antarctica.
Environment - 23.01.2024

Environment - Earth Sciences - 16.01.2024

Air monitoring measurements at the University of Innsbruck's atmospheric observatory show that carbon dioxide emissions in western Austria have fallen by around 20 percent since 2018.
Innovation - Environment - 15.12.2023

Life Sciences - Environment - 05.12.2023

ISTA scientists unravel mysteries of "one of the creepiest-looking" insects In spring, Jackson W. Ryan-the first Journalist in Residence at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST
Computer Science - Feb 13
TU Graz Risk Assessment Tool Evaluates Potential Dangers of GNSS Interference Signals
TU Graz Risk Assessment Tool Evaluates Potential Dangers of GNSS Interference Signals

Innovation - Feb 10
Focus on artificial intelligence: pioneering projects from the Department of Creative Technologies
Focus on artificial intelligence: pioneering projects from the Department of Creative Technologies