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Results 1 - 50 of 70.

Health - Pharmacology - 11.12.2024
Imaging for the benefit of patients with arthritis
Imaging for the benefit of patients with arthritis

Health - Pharmacology - 09.12.2024
Austrian Vaccination Day 2025: Vaccinated - Protected - Safe!
Austrian Vaccination Day 2025: Vaccinated - Protected - Safe!

Pharmacology - Life Sciences - 28.11.2024
Biodiversity as a source of innovative drug candidates
Can small protein molecules from plants, insects, cone snails or snakes serve as blueprints for active substances with reduced side effects' This is the question that the international consortium "Bi

Health - Pharmacology - 27.11.2024
MedUni Vienna study team honored at Critical Care Canada Forum in Toronto

Health - Pharmacology - 26.11.2024
Jutta Bergler-Klein elected to the Cardio-Oncology Board of the ESC
Jutta Bergler-Klein elected to the Cardio-Oncology Board of the ESC

Health - Pharmacology - 14.11.2024
New therapeutic approach for severe COVID-19
New therapeutic approach for severe COVID-19
An international research consortium, with significant participation from MedUni Vienna, has tested a novel therapeutic concept to treat virus-induced lung failure in patients with severe COVID-19 in a phase 2 clinical trial.

Health - Pharmacology - 17.10.2024
How tree bark extracts support the healing of diseases: New episode of the podcast ’Health Talk’

Health - Pharmacology - 16.10.2024
Wilhelm Auerswald Prize 2024 awarded to MedUni Vienna researchers
Wilhelm Auerswald Prize 2024 awarded to MedUni Vienna researchers

Health - Pharmacology - 07.10.2024
Cooperation project successfully combats hepatitis C
A groundbreaking success in the fight against hepatitis C: As part of the cross-institutional ELIMINATE project, hospital data was systematically analyzed in ten hospitals in Vienna (including 6 WIGEV clinics) and Lower Austria in order to identify and treat those affected.

Health - Pharmacology - 26.09.2024
Richard Crevenna re-elected President of the Austrian Society for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Richard Crevenna re-elected President of the Austrian Society for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Health - Pharmacology - 17.09.2024
Post-viral syndromes: New National Reference Center opens at the MedUni Vienna

Health - Pharmacology - 10.09.2024
Experts provide information on patient safety
Living patient safety every day is a central goal of University Hospital Vienna and MedUni Vienna. In 2024, University Hospital Vienna and MedUni Vienna are once again joining forces in the global WHO campaign and illuminating the main buildings in the campaign color orange.

Health - Pharmacology - 02.09.2024
Sabine Steiner takes over professorship for angiology
Sabine Steiner takes over professorship for angiology

Health - Pharmacology - 02.07.2024
Podcast ’Health Talk’

Health - Pharmacology - 02.07.2024
Thomas Vogl receives 'Global Grant for Gut Health'
Thomas Vogl receives ’Global Grant for Gut Health’
Thomas Vogl's research team at MedUni Vienna's Center for Cancer Research aims to identify biomarkers in the gut microbiome that are associated with Long COVID. The "Global Grant for Gut Health", awarded by Yakult and Nature Portfolio, is now supporting them in this endeavour. "If we succeed in finding biomarkers that both indicate a person's risk of Long COVID and represent therapeutic targets against the disease, this could significantly improve our ability to treat and perhaps even prevent Long COVID in the future," says Thomas Vogl, summarising the importance of the research work.

Health - Pharmacology - 27.06.2024
3D imaging for automated melanoma detection
3D imaging for automated melanoma detection

Health - Pharmacology - 18.06.2024
Sabine Eichinger-Hasenauer elected to the Council of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH)
Sabine Eichinger-Hasenauer elected to the Council of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH)

Health - Pharmacology - 07.05.2024
One million people in Austria affected by migraine
Around four billion people worldwide are affected by recurring headaches, and over 356 million spend more days of their lives with than without a "thunderstorm in their head".

Health - Pharmacology - 06.05.2024
FWF funds Cluster of Excellence 'MetAGE' with 18 million euros
FWF funds Cluster of Excellence ’MetAGE’ with 18 million euros

Health - Pharmacology - 24.04.2024
Post-Covid syndrome: women remain more affected than men after rehab
While the female sex has a protective effect during an acute infection with Covid-19, women run an increased risk of developing post-Covid syndrome (PCS) even after mild cases.

Health - Pharmacology - 03.04.2024
40 years of heart transplantation in Vienna - a success story
40 years of heart transplantation in Vienna - a success story
40 years ago, a team at University Hospital Vienna and MedUni Vienna successfully performed the first heart transplant in Vienna.

Health - Pharmacology - 26.03.2024
Richard Crevenna takes over management of the ’Living with cancer’ initiative

Health - Pharmacology - 26.03.2024
Fighting bacteria with viruses
The use of bacteriophages is a promising option for the treatment of bacterial infectious diseases. The therapeutic use of these special viruses is a new treatment option, particularly for patients who have developed resistance to antibiotics.

Health - Pharmacology - 06.03.2024
Mayor's Medical and Scientific Fund awards grants to MedUni Vienna researchers
Mayor’s Medical and Scientific Fund awards grants to MedUni Vienna researchers

Health - Pharmacology - 26.02.2024
MedUni Vienna's Transplantation Research Platform awards 'Start-up Grants'
MedUni Vienna’s Transplantation Research Platform awards ’Start-up Grants’

Health - Pharmacology - 25.02.2024
Florian Krammer takes over professorship for infection medicine at MedUni Vienna
Florian Krammer takes over professorship for infection medicine at MedUni Vienna
Florian Krammer will take up the Professorship of Infection Medicine. His work will alternate between the two institutions.

Pharmacology - 23.02.2024
MedUni Vienna project receives FFG spin-off fellowship

Health - Pharmacology - 05.02.2024
Alexander Niessner takes up professorship in the field of Cardiovascular Medicine

Health - Pharmacology - 30.01.2024
Together against cancer: The Austrian Comprehensive Cancer Network (ACCN) sets new standards
Together against cancer: The Austrian Comprehensive Cancer Network (ACCN) sets new standards
In the run-up to World Cancer Day on February 4, the medical universities in Graz, Innsbruck and Vienna are announcing an important merger: The newly founded Austrian Comprehensive Cancer Network (ACCN) pools the expertise of the Comprehensive Cancer Centers (CCC) in Graz, Innsbruck and Vienna.

Health - Pharmacology - 25.01.2024
Screening day provides information about cancer risk

Health - Pharmacology - 09.01.2024
EU funds INTERACT EUROPE 100 project to improve interdisciplinary cancer treatment

Health - Pharmacology - 08.01.2024
Nicole Concin appointed Professor of Gynecology at MedUni Vienna

Health - Pharmacology - 02.01.2024
Daniel Zimpfer appointed Professor for Cardiac Surgery at MedUni Vienna

Health - Pharmacology - 19.12.2023
Ursula Wiedermann-Schmidt reappointed as a member of the Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO) of the Robert Koch Institute
Ursula Wiedermann-Schmidt reappointed as a member of the Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO) of the Robert Koch Institute

Health - Pharmacology - 30.11.2023
Teddy bear hospital: Hospital for cuddly toys reopens in Vienna from December 5 to 7, 2023
Teddy bear hospital: Hospital for cuddly toys reopens in Vienna from December 5 to 7, 2023

Health - Pharmacology - 17.11.2023
On the spot when life begins too early
On the spot when life begins too early
Around seven percent of children in Austria are born prematurely, i.e. before the 37th week of pregnancy.

Health - Pharmacology - 03.11.2023
Thomas Reiberger takes over professorship in the subject field Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Thomas Reiberger, a hepatologist at MedUni Vienna's Department of Medicine III, has taken up a professorship (§99/4) at the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, effective November 1, 2023.

Health - Pharmacology - 02.11.2023
Smart phone application to increase safety in liver surgery
Smart phone application to increase safety in liver surgery
Surgical removal of parts of the liver remains the only curative approach for patients with liver-specific cancer.

Health - Pharmacology - 31.10.2023
Mattias Mandorfer honoured with the United European Gastroenterology Rising Star Award

Health - Pharmacology - 11.09.2023
Patient Safety Day: Experts inform about drug therapy safety, hand hygiene and child resuscitation
Patient safety is a central aspect of healthcare and plays a role wherever patient care takes place.

Health - Pharmacology - 08.09.2023
Teaching Center and Department of Emergency Medicine: research to avoid ’immigration bias’ in pain management
, Vulnerable groups, such as immigrants, face particular challenges in the health care system. Stereotypes, such as the insinuation of exaggerated pain expression, can have a significant impact on the care of these patients.

Health - Pharmacology - 08.08.2023
New enzyme therapy allowed for immunologically highly sensitised patent kidney transplant
At the University Hospital Vienna and MedUni Vienna, a kidney was successfully transplanted into an immunologically highly sensitised patient for the first time in Austria as part of a clinical trial using a new enzyme therapy.

Health - Pharmacology - 19.07.2023
Martin Schepelmann coordinates the ’eRaDicate’ EU-project to research innovative ligands for nuclear receptors to eradicate cancer relapse

Health - Pharmacology - 09.05.2023
Matthias Preusser receives highly endowed grant from the EU

Health - Pharmacology - 20.04.2023
Heart disease: New special out-patient ward improves health literacy
In order to prevent a recurrence after a life-threatening cardiac event, secondary prevention measures such as health-promoting behaviour immediately after interventional treatment are particularly important.

Health - Pharmacology - 12.04.2023
Increasing risks lead to rise in cardiovascular diseases
Every year, approximately 17.3 million people are currently dying of cardiovascular disease every year.

Health - Pharmacology - 31.03.2023
Research into precise tools for personalised medicine
University , Medicine & Science Imaging biomarkers are considered to be particularly valuable tools in precision medicine, a future trend to which MedUni Vienna attaches great importance.

Health - Pharmacology - 29.03.2023
Johannes Klopf and Anna Sotir receive the Finlandia Prize of the Association of International Vascular Surgeons
People of the MedUni Vienna Johannes Klopf and Anna Sotir from the Division of Vascular Surgery of the Department of General Surgery and Surgical Research Laboratories, Medical University of Vienna

Health - Pharmacology - 22.02.2023
MedUni Vienna’s Transplantation Research Platform Awards ’Start up Grants’ to Young Researchers
University , People of the MedUni Vienna The Transplantation Research Platform of the Medical University of Vienna has awarded two "Startup Grants" to support young scientists in the field of transplant research.

Health - Pharmacology - 27.12.2022
Tamara Casteels and David Pereyra receive Award of Excellence