Melanie Kerschner was awarded the GAL-Förderpreis 2016 for her dissertation project titled "One story - three languages - a hundred opinions: Culturally induced style differences in the opinion discourse of British, Italian and German quality papers". The award was presented by the Society for Applied Linguistics (GAL e.V.) at this year’s GAL Congress in Koblenz.
Die Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik ist mit rund 1.000 Mitgliedern eine der größten und ältesten sprachwissenschaftlichen Fachgesellschaften im deutschsprachigen Raum. Die GAL e.V. bündelt Aktivitäten und Initiativen, die sich auf die Erforschung und Optimierung von Kommunikationsprozessen in alltäglichen und professionellen Anwendungsfeldern richten: in der Wirtschaft, in Justiz und Verwaltung, im Gesundheitswesen, in Bildungseinrichtungen, in Massenmedien, u.a.
Melanie Kerschner was awarded the GAL-Förderpreis 2016 for her dissertation project titled "One story - three languages - a hundred opinions: Culturally induced style differences in the opinion discourse of British, Italian and German quality papers". The award was presented by the Society for Applied Linguistics (GAL e.V.) at this year’s GAL Congress in Koblenz.Mehr erfahren
Univ.- Matthias Heinz, Department of Romance Studies, was elected as a member of the National Academic Academy of Italy, the Accademia della Crusca, Florence, on 5 November, 2016.Mehr erfahren
The IFFB Sport- & Bewegungswissenschaft / USI and the Uni 55-PLUS of the University of Salzburg have organized a series of lectures on "The Body in Postmoderne - Between Disembodiment and Body Awareness" in WS 2016/17. Lecture dates are Wednesdays from 16:15 to 17:45, at the Max-Gandolph-Library. Next lecture: 16 November, "From asceticism to orgasm constraint" with H.J. Sander, and "Kaiserwanne - body treatments in postmoderne", with K. Hahn.Mehr erfahren
In the public Lise-Meitner-Lecture, the physicist Prof. Petra Schwille from the Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry, Martinsried, speaks on 17 November, at 18:00 in the AudiMax on the topic ‘Ist Leben konstruierbar’’Mehr erfahren
The Salzburg Society of Psychology invites you to attend a Lecture (in English) with Alice Eagly, Northwestern University. Date: 16 November. Time: 16:15. Location: Hörsaal 402, Hellbrunnerstr. 34.Mehr erfahren
The lecture series "Total Immersion - Spiritual Travel" by the Department of Sociology and Cultural Studies, in cooperation with the Master’s Program, Religious Studies, begins at the start of the Winter Semester. Lecture dates are on Wednesdays from 13:15 to 14:45, GESWI, Rudolfskai 42, HS 387. All interested persons are welcome! The next date is 16 November.Mehr erfahren
18 - 19 November: Conference "Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Academic Honors: Contemporary History and Law in Discussion"
Conference in the Unipark Nonntal, Hörsaal E.002 Agnes Muthspiel 18-19 November, 2016 - Organizer: Department of History of the University of Salzburg - Head: Priv.-Doz. Dr. Alexander Pinwinkler (University of Salzburg), Priv.-Doz. Dr. Johannes Koll (Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration)Mehr erfahren
From 09:00 am to 17:00: Workshop with lectures and discussion (with Robert Matthias Erdbeer, Per Leo, Linda Simonis, Jenny Willner). 19:00: Guest lecture with Thomas Macho (IFK Internationales Forschungszentrum Kulturwissenschaften
Kunstuniversität Linz in Wien), Atelier in the Kunstquartier (Bergstraße 12a, 1st floor). Information: erfahren
In the Winter Semester 2016/17, the Department of History has organized a series of lectures on "Politics, History & Culture: Austria in the 20th and 21st Centuries". Next lecture: Thursday, 17 November, 17:00, HS 381, GESWI, Rudolfskai 42, with George Stöger. Topic: "Environmental Issues and Green Politics". All who are interested are welcome!Mehr erfahren
Within the framework of the 23rd Bergfilmfestival, the book series, "Naturund Kulturerlebnisführer der Universität Salzburg " will be presented. (Event V6 on Tuesday, 29 Nov., at 20:30 in DAS KINO).Mehr erfahren
On 19 November, the second block of the MORE workshop series for volunteers takes place, further supporting the refugees linguistically. The workshop is dedicated to the topic of "speaking and dialogue".Mehr erfahren
The 7th meeting of the Salzburg interdisciplinary discourse will take place on the 24th and 25th of November, 2016, at the NAWI (HS 402 or the Dean’s Conference Hall, Hellbrunnerstrasse 34, Salzburg).Mehr erfahren
Niche theory is one of the most fundamental concepts in ecology and has long been conceptualized as n-dimensional hypervolumes (sensu Hutchinson 1957). Only recently, satisfying mathematical and algorithmic treatments of hypervolumes have been realized. The ability to quantify the size and the overlap of n-dimensional hypervolumes is an important methodological and conceptual step in ecology, but may also open new frontiers in various other disciplines.Mehr erfahren
The annual ÖDaF short conference takes place on 25.11.2016 for the first time in Salzburg. The conference is organized by the Austrian Association for German as a Foreign Language / Second Language (ÖDaF) in cooperation with the Language Center and the Department of German Studies at the University of Salzburg.Mehr erfahren
24 & 25 November: 13th Salzburger Tourism Forum, ‘Alpenreisen - Erlebnis, Raumtransformationen, Imagination’
The 13th Salzburger Tourism Forum, held on the 24th and 25th of November, 2016, is dominated by Alpine trips. Location: Aula der Universitätsbibliothek, Hofstallgasse 4-6.Mehr erfahren
Karrierechance Weiterqualifizierung - Diplomatische Akademie WienMehr erfahren
THEOLOGIE IM ZEICHEN DER ZEIT ‘Amoris laetitia’ - Wohin geht der Weg? Akademische Kontroverse aus aktuellem AnlassMehr erfahren
Roderich Ptak: Zheng He und Mazu: Geschichte, Wahrnehmung und KultMehr erfahren