13 - 14 October: Thomas-Bernhard-Tage

Thomas Bernhard
Thomas Bernhard

Thomas-Bernhard-Tage St. Veit 2017 in cooperation with Science & Art:Thomas Bernhard as a polemicist. New perspectives on an argumentative author,13 - 14 October, 2017 (Friday from 19:30; Saturday from 9:00), Seelackenmuseum, St. Veit / Pongau, Langmoos 41 - www.w-k.sbg.ac.at/kunstp­olemik-pol­emikkunst/­aktuelles.


Das Bild Thomas Bernhards als streitbarer wie umstrittener Schriftsteller hat die Wahrnehmung seiner Literatur und seiner Person zeitlebens begleitet und nachhaltig geprägt. Die geschickt inszenierten Auftritte und pointierten, oft bewusst pauschalisierenden Äußerungen des Autors sorgten zuverlässig für die Erregung öffentlichen Ärgernisses, nicht zuletzt in und um Salzburg.

Die diesjährigen Thomas-Bernhard-Tage haben sich zum Ziel gesetzt, dieses Image - im Kontext der österreichischen Literaturgeschichte - genauer unter die Lupe zu nehmen. Eine Lesung von Bodo Hell eröffnet am Freitagabend die Veranstaltung, am Samstag folgen Vorträge und Diskussionsbeiträge zu verschiedenen Facetten von Bernhard Polemiken, u.a. von Clemens Götze (Berlin) und Daniela Strigl (Wien).



Konzeption: Harald Gschwandtner

Thomas-Bernhard-Tage St. Veit 2017 in cooperation with Science & Art: Thomas Bernhard as a polemicist. New perspectives on an argumentative author, 13 - 14 October, 2017 (Friday from 19:30; Saturday from 9:00), Seelackenmuseum, St. Veit / Pongau, Langmoos 41 - www.w-k.sbg.ac.at/kunstp­olemik-pol­emikkunst/­aktuelles.

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Visiting lecturer on Tuesday, 10 October at 18:30, with Jean Nicolas Haas (Univ. Innsbruck, Institute of Botany) in the Abguss-Sammlung SR E.33 (Classical and Early Aegean Archeology, Residenzplatz 1).

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During the PLUS Bicycle Day at the Unipark Nonntal, all members of the university have the opportunity to take their bicycles in for a service check where one or the other little screw/bolt will be tightened as needed.

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The UNIGIS u_Lecture webinars will provide interesting topics from the field of geoinformatics directly on PCs and mobile phones from the beginning of October. The webinars in English are open to all who are interested in the exciting developments in this field, or who are simply enthusiastic about lifelong learning.

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Technologies and methods of geoinformatics are rapidly evolving. What are the opportunities and options for companies that arise from these innovations’ At the Department of Geoinformatics at the University of Salzburg, experts from several companies report on their solutions and experiences regarding location, virtual interfaces and geo-sensing.

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Outstanding pre-scientific work was honoured on 20 September with the HANS-RIEGEL-Fachpreis: In cooperation with the Kaiserschild-Foundation, the University of Salzburg again awarded prizes to students and schools in the state of Salzburg, with a total value of 3550 Euro.

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The Universitätsbibliothek Salzburg (Hauptbibliothek und Fakultätsbibliothek für Rechtswissenschaften) opens the door to the public and offers a varied program.

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On 5 October, 2017, at 15:30, Dr. Markus Künzler will hold a guest lecture on "Peptides as defense effectors of mushrooms against bacteria and nematodes", in seminar room (103) at Billrothstrasse 11. The Department of Molecular Biology invites you to attend!

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The Center for Jewish Cultural History at the University of Salzburg offers a public lecture series during the winter semester 2017/18, Thursdays 17:00-19:00, HS E.001 (Unipark). The opening lecture on 5 October will be given by Susanne Plietzsch and Armin Eidherr.

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The kick-off of the new career program "Karriere_Mentoring III" of the Universities of Salzburg, Linz and Krems, which took place on 13 September in Gmunden, went extremely well. In addition to qualified young scientists from the three universities, high-caliber mentors from Germany and abroad took part in the event.

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The fourth "Erwin Kräutler Prize for Contextual Theology and Interreligious Dialogue" will be presented to Dr. Sebastian Pittl and Stefan Silver on 3 October, 2017, in HS 101 of the Catholic Theological Faculty (Universitätsplatz 1, Salzburg).

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Important dates and information about registration for courses at the Sprachenzentrum (Language Center), Winter Term 2017/18.

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29.09.17 2. Salzburger Fußballtagung 2017 "Fußball zwischen Macht, Identität, Ausgrenzung und Integration"

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