news 2025



Results 1 - 12 of 12.

Physics - Computer Science - 11.02.2025
When Qubits Learn the Language of Fiberoptics
When Qubits Learn the Language of Fiberoptics
Quantum computers: ISTA physicists achieve optical readout of superconducting qubits Qubits-the fundamental units of quantum information-drive entire tech sectors. Among them, superconducting qubits could be instrumental in building a large-scale quantum computer, but they rely on electrical signals and are difficult to scale.

Astronomy / Space - Physics - 06.02.2025
3 months bed rest: Med Uni Graz examines bones
3 months bed rest: Med Uni Graz examines bones
What happens to the human body during prolonged bed rest or weightlessness? The European Space Agency (ESA) is conducting so-called "bed rest studies" to investigate whether and what changes occur when the body is at rest for an extended period of time. These bed rest studies are carried out at various locations throughout Europe and offer researchers from a wide range of disciplines the opportunity to investigate these unusual circumstances in healthy test subjects.

Physics - Chemistry - 05.02.2025
What does ’resolution’- Microscopy puzzle solved
A new microscopy method can identify molecules. However, the question of its resolving power proved to be a difficult puzzle. It has now been solved at TU Wien. When judging the quality of a microscope, the crucial question is: How large are the smallest structures that can just be made visible with it? How close can two objects be brought together before they can no longer be seen as two separate objects, but blur into a single image blob? With conventional light microscopes, this can be calculated using relatively simple formulas.

Physics - 05.02.2025
Dancing Bubbles Model a Cosmic Disaster
Dancing Bubbles Model a Cosmic Disaster
Quantum machine models how "false vacuum" decays into "dancing" cosmic bubbles Our Universe might be trapped in a metastable state, called a false vacuum, awaiting a cosmic transition to a more stable true vacuum. Physicists from the University of Leeds, Forschungszentrum Jülich, and the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) have modeled this transition, demonstrating how bubbles of true vacuum form and interact.

Computer Science - Physics - 04.02.2025
Flipping the Script: Inverse-Design as Game-Changer in Physics
Flipping the Script: Inverse-Design as Game-Changer in Physics
An international team of researchers, led by physicists from the University of Vienna, has achieved a breakthrough in data processing by employing an "inverse-design" approach. This method allows algorithms to configure a system based on desired functions, bypassing manual design and complex simulations.

Physics - Materials Science - 03.02.2025
The metal that does not expand
The metal that does not expand
Breakthrough in materials research: an alloy of several metals has been developed that shows practically no thermal expansion over an extremely large temperature interval. Most metals expand when their temperature rises. The Eiffel Tower, for example, is around 10 to 15 centimetres taller in summer than in winter due to its thermal expansion.

Physics - Mathematics - 28.01.2025
Even Quantum Physics Obeys the Law of Entropy
Even Quantum Physics Obeys the Law of Entropy
Is there a contradiction between quantum theory and thermodynamics? On the surface, yes - but at TU Wien, researchers have now shown how the two fit together perfectly. It is one of the most important laws of nature that we know: The famous second law of thermodynamics says that the world gets more and more disordered, when random chance is at play.

Physics - 27.01.2025
More stable storage for quantum information
A research collaboration between the University of Cambridge and semiconductor physicists at the JKU has achieved a breakthrough in the field of quantum networks. This allows quantum information to be cached for longer - an essential prerequisite for the development of quantum networks for quantum communication and quantum computers.

Physics - Computer Science - 24.01.2025
Cal­cu­lat­ing error-free more eas­ily with two codes
Cal­cu­lat­ing error-free more eas­ily with two codes
Various methods are used to correct errors in quantum computers. Not all'operations can be implemented equally well with different correction codes. Therefore, a research team from the University of Innsbruck, together with a team from RWTH Aachen and Forschungszentrum Jülich, has developed a method and implemented it experimentally for the first time, with which a quantum computer can switch back and forth between two correction codes and thus perform all computing operations protected against errors.

Physics - Materials Science - 20.01.2025
A new state between metal and insulator
A new state between metal and insulator
A kind of 'umbilical cord' between different quantum states can be found in some materials. Researchers at TU Wien have now shown that this 'umbilical cord' is generic to many materials. It is a basic principle of quantum theory: sometimes certain physical quantities can only assume very specific values; all the values in between are simply not permitted by physics.

Physics - 14.01.2025
Quan­tum sim­u­la­tors: When nature reveals its nat­u­ral laws
Quan­tum sim­u­la­tors: When nature reveals its nat­u­ral laws
Quantum simulators are a completely new tool for research: quantum physics is studied by other kinds of quantum physics. Research teams from Innsbruck and Vienna are developing a new method that will allow this new technology to be reliably verified. Quantum physics is a very diverse field: it describes particle collisions shortly after the Big Bang as well as electrons in solid materials or atoms far out in space.

Physics - 07.01.2025
Quantum simulators: When nature reveals its natural laws
Quantum simulators: When nature reveals its natural laws
Quantum simulators are a completely new tool for research: quantum physics is studied by other kinds of quantum physics. Research teams from Innsbruck and Vienna are developing a new method that will allow this new technology to be reliably verified. Quantum physics is a very diverse field: it describes particle collisions shortly after the Big Bang as well as electrons in solid materials or atoms far out in space.