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Results 1 - 50 of 79.

History / Archeology - Health - 21.10.2024
'Stone of Remembrance' for radiooncology pioneer Leopold Freund
’Stone of Remembrance’ for radiooncology pioneer Leopold Freund

History / Archeology - 18.01.2024
The Secret Diary of Karl Bene­dikt Hase

Health - History / Archeology - 18.01.2024
Special exhibition 'De Auribus' is dedicated to the ear
Special exhibition ’De Auribus’ is dedicated to the ear

Health - History / Archeology - 09.11.2023
Major report on Nazi medical crimes published
Major report on Nazi medical crimes published
) The Holocaust and other mass murders under the Nazi regime would hardly have been conceivable without the involvement of medical professionals.

Transport - History / Archeology - 17.10.2023
Cross-alpine tran­sit pro­tests
Cross-alpine tran­sit pro­tests
When the large highways crossing the Austrian and Swiss Alps were built, citizens' movements protesting the transalpine traffic started to form in both countries from the 1970s onwards.

History / Archeology - Linguistics / Literature - 14.08.2023
Discovering the 'Eurasian Miracle'
Discovering the ’Eurasian Miracle’
In the cluster of excellence Eurasian Transformations, led by Claudia Rapp (expert on Byzantine studies, Austrian Academy of Sciences and University of Vienna), an international team of 31 academics i

Health - History / Archeology - 20.07.2023
Seligmann fragments back in Vienna after decades
Seligmann fragments back in Vienna after decades

Religions - History / Archeology - 24.05.2023
Emanuel Tov wins second Baron Award
Emanuel Tov wins second Baron Award

Architecture - History / Archeology - 25.11.2022
Architectural Heritage: Architectural Archive of Styria is Opened
Architectural Heritage: Architectural Archive of Styria is Opened
By Ute Wiedner The architectural holdings of the Archives of TU Graz - including the estates of Herbert Eichholzer, Anna Lülja Praun or Karla Kowalski - form the core of the Architekturarchiv Steiermark (ASt), which will be opened in Graz on 30th November.

History / Archeology - Event - 21.11.2022
BB: Child-Animal Encounters in SEE literature
Präsenz-Veranstaltung 22. VeranstalterIn Zentrum für Südosteuropastudien & SOEGA Veranstaltungsort: Beethovenstraße 8, SR 111.

History / Archeology - Event - 08.11.2022
The Holocaust: Then and Now, Spanning the Void

History / Archeology - Social Sciences - 29.03.2022
Bronwbag: A Socialist Workplace in Postcolonial Africa: A Connected History of the Yugoslav Workforce in Zambia

Religions - History / Archeology - 01.06.2021
Serbian Orthodox Church - 20th Century Balance

History / Archeology - Art and Design - 27.01.2021
DO 28.1.: MAKING ART MODERN? VIEWS FROM THE ITALIAN RENAISSANCE- Talk by Robert Brennan with a response by Wolf-Dietrich Löhr
DO 28.1.: MAKING ART MODERN? VIEWS FROM THE ITALIAN RENAISSANCE- Talk by Robert Brennan with a response by Wolf-Dietrich Löhr
10h /Online-Matinee mit Vortrag und Gespräch aus der Reihe ,,Artes" mit Robert Brennan und Wolf-Dietrich Löhr.

History / Archeology - Art and Design - 10.01.2021
THURS 28 JAN.: MAKING ART MODERN? VIEWS FROM THE ITALIAN RENAISSANCE- Talk by Robert Brennan with a response by Wolf-Dietrich Löhr
THURS 28 JAN.: MAKING ART MODERN? VIEWS FROM THE ITALIAN RENAISSANCE- Talk by Robert Brennan with a response by Wolf-Dietrich Löhr

History / Archeology - Event - 07.12.2020
Michael Brenner Wins the First Baron Award
Michael Brenner Wins the First Baron Award

Life Sciences - History / Archeology - 28.05.2020
Material and genetic resemblance in the Bronze Age Southern Levant
Material and genetic resemblance in the Bronze Age Southern Levant
Different "Canaanite" people from the Bronze Age Southern Levant not only culturally, but also genetically resemble each other more than other populations.

Chemistry - History / Archeology - 08.05.2020
Obituary to Prof. Fritz Sauter (1930-2020)
Obituary to Prof. Fritz Sauter (1930-2020)

History / Archeology - Event - 03.12.2019
Exkursion in die französische und niederländische Karibik/ Excursion to the French and Dutch Caribbean (1.2.-14.2.2020)

History / Archeology - Campus - 11.04.2019
With courage and intelligence: 100 years of women at the 'Tech'
With courage and intelligence: 100 years of women at the ’Tech’

History / Archeology - 13.06.2018
Formation of a New Scholarly Society to Study Antisemitism

History / Archeology - 12.03.2018
13 March - Guest Lecture: Silk Route, Buddhist Arts and History
13 March - Guest Lecture: Silk Route, Buddhist Arts and History

Religions - History / Archeology - 18.01.2018
International Conference
International Conference "An End to Antisemitism" in February 2018
"An End to Antisemitism!" University of Vienna in cooperation with the European Jewish Congress, New York University and Tel Aviv University Not only research on antisemitism, but also the prevention

Architecture - History / Archeology - 23.10.2017
Tracing historic Japanese architecture
Tracing historic Japanese architecture
The TU Wien is planning a photogrammetric survey of historically important models of traditional Japanese buildings.

History / Archeology - 20.10.2017
3.-5.11.: AAAS Conference 2017
3.-5.11.: AAAS Conference 2017

Religions - History / Archeology - 15.10.2017
The little Achill from Neumarkt-Pfongau
The little Achill from Neumarkt-Pfongau
Archaeologists discovered the ancient bronze figure from the second century after Christ in the late summer during excavations in the industrial area of Neumarkt-Pfongau.

History / Archeology - Chemistry - 27.09.2017
10 October: The Roman Villa Rustica of Neumarkt-Pfongau in the Botanical Focus
10 October: The Roman Villa Rustica of Neumarkt-Pfongau in the Botanical Focus

Religions - History / Archeology - 20.09.2017
Public Lecture Series: Between Heaven and Earth. Angels and demons in the Jewish tradition and their environment
Public Lecture Series: Between Heaven and Earth. Angels and demons in the Jewish tradition and their environment
The Center for Jewish Cultural History at the University of Salzburg offers a public lecture series during the winter semester 2017/18, Thursdays 17:00-19:00, HS E.001 (Unipark).

History / Archeology - Career - 29.06.2017
Arno Strohmeyer Becomes Scientific Director of the Institute for Contemporary and Contemporary History Research at the Austrian Academy of Sciences
Arno Strohmeyer Becomes Scientific Director of the Institute for Contemporary and Contemporary History Research at the Austrian Academy of Sciences

Religions - History / Archeology - 08.06.2017
12 June: Panorama: Uni
12 June: Panorama: Uni "The Path to a European Future"

Religions - History / Archeology - 01.06.2017
21 June: Insights. Informational Evening for the Masterâ? s Study Program in Jewish Cultural History
21 June: Insights. Informational Evening for the Masterâ? s Study Program in Jewish Cultural History

Event - History / Archeology - 01.06.2017
Wellness Day
Wellness Day "less-stress @ work" - June 7, 2017

History / Archeology - Event - 24.05.2017
1 - 3 June: Symposium
1 - 3 June: Symposium "175 Years Doppler Effect"
In 2017, the Doppler principle celebrates its 175th anniversary.

History / Archeology - Philosophy - 24.05.2017
31 May: Lecture -
31 May: Lecture - "The Inner Liar Paradox - As Logic meets Phenomenology"

History / Archeology - Art and Design - 24.05.2017
30 May: Public Lecture Series:
30 May: Public Lecture Series: "Experimentation Space Science and Art"
Lecture by Katharina Anzengruber: KLANGKÖRPER - KÖPERKLANG within the course of the public lecture series "Experimentierraum Wissenschaft und Kunst", conceptualized by the doctoral candidates of the Doktoratskollegs, "The Arts and their Public Impact: Concepts - Transfer- Resonance".

Religions - History / Archeology - 18.05.2017
Antisemitism and Religion: A Symposium
Antisemitism and Religion: A Symposium
On May 24, 2017 scholars from New York, Tel Aviv, and Vienna will present papers on religious anti-Semitism at a symposium.

History / Archeology - Physics - 16.05.2017
Presentation of the Salzburg Bachmann Edition
Presentation of the Salzburg Bachmann Edition
At present, a complete edition of the works and letters of Ingeborg Bachmann is being produced in the Literaturarchiv Salzburg, a collection which received great attention in the media at the beginning of the year.

Health - History / Archeology - 16.05.2017
Biophotonics - the Solution for Urgent Medical Needs !'
Biophotonics - the Solution for Urgent Medical Needs !’
Jürgen Popp, a professor at the Leibnitz Institute for Photonic Technologies and the Institute of Physical Chemistry at the University of Jena, will give a lecture on the topic "Biophotonik - die Lös

History / Archeology - Pedagogy - 16.05.2017
Quo Vadis?
Quo Vadis?
Academicization of Elementary Education in Austria Als eines der letzten europäischen Länder startete Österreich im Jahr 2014 erstmals akademische Studiengänge zur Professionalisierung von Elementarpädagog/innen.

Politics - History / Archeology - 12.05.2017
Invitation to Tender Kurt-Zopf-Förderpreis 2017
Invitation to Tender Kurt-Zopf-Förderpreis 2017

History / Archeology - Social Sciences - 08.05.2017
Book Presentation: Science Looks Beyond the Boundaries of Migration
Book Presentation: Science Looks Beyond the Boundaries of Migration
To simply stifle migration as a problem falls short - it will aggravate existing inequalities and blind the real power conditions.

History / Archeology - Pedagogy - 08.05.2017
21 August -2 September: ditact_women's IT summerstudies - Register Now until 3 July
21 August -2 September: ditact_women’s IT summerstudies - Register Now until 3 July

History / Archeology - Environment - 07.05.2017
15 May: Panorama: Uni
15 May: Panorama: Uni "How predictable is the climate?"

History / Archeology - Linguistics / Literature - 04.05.2017
6 May: First Masterpiece Collection
6 May: First Masterpiece Collection

History / Archeology - Event - 04.05.2017
10.5.: Festveranstaltung
10.5.: Festveranstaltung "30 Jahre ERASMUS"
Am Mittwoch, den 10. Mai, feiert das "International Office" an der Universität Salzburg "30 Jahre ERASMUS".

History / Archeology - Health - 03.05.2017
Salzburg Scientists Were Awarded the Kurt-Zopf-Förderpreis 2016 for Their Outstanding Work
Salzburg Scientists Were Awarded the Kurt-Zopf-Förderpreis 2016 for Their Outstanding Work

Pedagogy - History / Archeology - 27.04.2017
KinderUNI Enroute in the Region
KinderUNI Enroute in the Region
The "KinderUNI unterwegs" travels this year with knowhow into the Pongau region. To start, it is setting up station in Bischofshofen.

History / Archeology - Religions - 25.04.2017
Austrian Network for Migration History at the Faculty
Austrian Network for Migration History at the Faculty
The Austrian Network for Migration History (ÖNM) recently expanded and enriched the research profile of the Department of History with its research, exhibition, collection and publication activities within the framework of historical migration research.

Religions - History / Archeology - 07.03.2017
22 March: Salzburg Lecture with Ambassador Mag. Peter Launsky-Tieffenthal
22 March: Salzburg Lecture with Ambassador Mag. Peter Launsky-Tieffenthal

Life Sciences - History / Archeology - 01.03.2017
Wednesday, 15 March: Open House Day
Wednesday, 15 March: Open House Day