The Philosophical Society in Salzburg, together with the departments of Philosophy of the KGW and KTH, invites you to attend a lecture with Professor David W. Smith. Date: Wednesday, 31 May, 2017, 18:15, HS 301 Franziskanergasse 1.
Die traditionelle Lügner-Paradoxie (‘Dieser Satz ist falsch’) wurde in der Philosophie des 20. Jahrhunderts (u. a. von Alfred Tarski und Saul Kripke) hauptsächlich als semantisches Problem analysiert. Daneben wurden auch immer wieder pragmatische Versionen der Lügner-Paradoxie diskutiert, bei denen der Lügner-Sprechakt als sich selbst falsifizierender ‘pragmatischer Widerspruch’ analysiert wird.
In diesem Vortrag wird die Lügner-Paradoxie erstmals von der sprachlichen Ebene auf die Ebene des Bewusstseins bzw. Denkens übertragen und als ‘innere Lügner-Paradoxie’ behan-delt. Für diese Analyse sind phänomenologische genauso wie logische Überlegun-gen erforderlich - daher: Logic meets Phenomenology. Der Vortrag wird auf Englisch gehalten.
Prof. David Woodruff Smith erwarb seinen PhD an der Stanford University, war da-nach Assistant Professor am MIT und ist seit 1981 Professor für Philosophie an der University of California in Irvine. Zu den bekanntesten seiner zahlreichen Publikatio-nen gehören die Bücher Husserl and Intentionality (1982), The Circle of Ac-quaintance (1989), The Cambridge Companion to Husserl (1995), Mind World. Es-says in Phenomenology and Ontology (2004) und Husserl (2007), die allesamt in re-nommierten philosophischen Verlagen erschienen sind.
In 2017, the Doppler principle celebrates its 175th anniversary. The physicist Christian Doppler, born in Salzburg in 1803, presented his main work at the University of Prague on 25 May, 1842, on "Das farbige Licht der Doppelsterne", in which he described the principle known as the Doppler effect for the first time.Mehr erfahren
The Philosophical Society in Salzburg, together with the departments of Philosophy of the KGW and KTH, invites you to attend a lecture with Professor David W. Smith. Date: Wednesday, 31 May, 2017, 18:15, HS 301 Franziskanergasse 1.Mehr erfahren
Lecture by Katharina Anzengruber: KLANGKÖRPER - KÖPERKLANG within the course of the public lecture series "Experimentierraum Wissenschaft und Kunst", conceptualized by the doctoral candidates of the Doktoratskollegs, "The Arts and their Public Impact: Concepts - Transfer- Resonance". Date: 30 May. Time: 17:00. Location: at the Atelier in the KunstQuartier, Bergstraße 12a, 5020 Salzburg. In cooperation with the UNI 55-PLUS.Mehr erfahren
The Philosophical Society in Salzburg has organized the lecture, "Bernhard Bolzanos politische Philosophie - heute genauso aktuell wie damals", in cooperation with the International Bernhard-Bolzano-Gesellschaft. Dates: Thursday, 8 June, 2017, 18:15, HS 301, Franziskanergasse 1, 4th floor. .Mehr erfahren
To simply stifle migration as a problem falls short - it will aggravate existing inequalities and blind the real power conditions.Mehr erfahren
From now until 3 July, it is possible to register for the "ditact_women’s IT summer school" of the University of Salzburg. It takes place from 21 August to 2 September at the Unipark Nonntal and at the Fachhochschule Salzburg: erfahren
More than 100 events will take place in the city of Salzburg during the "Wissenschaftsmonat - Jetzt Zukunft erleben". The University of Salzburg is involved.Mehr erfahren
The "KinderUNI unterwegs" travels this year with knowhow into the Pongau region. To start, it is setting up station in Bischofshofen. On 16 & 17 May, 2017, the University of Salzburg, together with the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, the EuropeDirect Information Center Salzburg Süd and the Salzburg Academy, will offer a colorful, free program.Mehr erfahren
The Austrian Network for Migration History (ÖNM) recently expanded and enriched the research profile of the Department of History with its research, exhibition, collection and publication activities within the framework of historical migration research. At the same time, the network is the Research Center of Migration, Labor and Urban Studies, which is also located at the Department of History.Mehr erfahren
Monika Frass, Professorial Chair for Ancient History and Antiquities, "Kaufund Konsumverhalten im Alltagsleben der Antike"; and Wohlmayr Wolfgang, Professorial Chair for Classical Archeology, "Archäologie - Wandel einer Disziplin", Date: Tuesday, 13 June, 2017. Time: 18:30. Place: Alte Residenz, Residenzplatz 1, Abguss-Sammlung Archäologie (SR E.33).Mehr erfahren
The series of lectures on ‘Erziehungswissenschaftliche Migrationsforschung in vergleichender Perspektive’ is a contribution of the interdisciplinary exchange on education in the society of migration. In this framework, a dialogue between an expert audience, students and urban society is to be stimulated and new emphasis for intercultural education research and the opening up of educational institutions.Mehr erfahren
Professor Gerhard Vowe speaks about the connection between the migration crisis and political communication at the Department of Communication Science / University of Salzburg.Mehr erfahren
17’18 June: Workshop ‘Tatjana Afanassjewa and her legacy: New perspectives on irreversibility’Mehr erfahren
On 19 June, 2017, Manfred Auer will hold a guest lecture on the subject of "A Confocal Nanoscanning - On-Bead Screening Platform (CONA) for basic and translational science" at the Grünen Hörsaal (403) of the NW Faculty. The Department of Molecular Biology invites you to attend!Mehr erfahren
A workshop will be held on the topic of ‘Evidence, Uncertainty and Decision Making with a particular Emphasis on Climate Science’.Mehr erfahren
The PLUS Green Campus Summer School goes the next round. From 17 to 21 July, 2017, students of the University of Salzburg will have the opportunity, together with Salzburg AG, to work on scientifically substantiated, practical concepts for answering important future questions.Mehr erfahren
29.05.17 "Vergleichende Überlegungen zur römischen Herrschaftssicherung im mittleren Donauraum während des frühen Principats"Mehr erfahren