The Alumni Club of the University of Salzburg invites you to the presentation of the 1st Masterpiece Collection. Selected manufacturers, as well as exquisite premium brands present their masterpieces from the fields of precision craftsmanship, custom work, culinary and interior & design. The event will be held in cooperation with the daily newspaper "Die Presse" and "Wien Products". Event Info: Saturday, 6 May at 11:00 in the Max Gandolph Library of the University of Salzburg.
Grußworte spricht der Präsident des Alumni Clubs Dr. Rudolf Aichinger. Der Zugang erfolgt über den Residenzplatz 9 (zwischen Heimatwerk und Post), alle Infos finden Sie auch hier.
On Wednesday, 10 May, the "International Office" at the University of Salzburg will celebrate "30 Years of ERASMUS". The ceremony takes place at 17:30 in the Europasaal, Edmundsburg, Mönchsberg 2.Mehr erfahren
The Alumni Club of the University of Salzburg invites you to the presentation of the 1st Masterpiece Collection. Selected manufacturers, as well as exquisite premium brands present their masterpieces from the fields of precision craftsmanship, custom work, culinary and interior & design. The event will be held in cooperation with the daily newspaper "Die Presse" and "Wien Products". Event Info: Saturday, 6 May at 11:00 in the Max Gandolph Library of the University of Salzburg.Mehr erfahren
The prize, named after Kurt Zopf, a patron of the University of Salzburg, today went to computer scientists, Andreas Uhl and Nikolaus Augsten, as well as to psychologist, Jens Blechert. The prize is awarded annually and is endowed with a total of 15,000 euros. Important criteria for the value of the prize are, among other things, the reputation of the publication, the innovation and the scientific significance of the findings.Mehr erfahren
The "KinderUNI unterwegs" travels this year with knowhow into the Pongau region. To start, it is setting up station in Bischofshofen. On 16 & 17 May, 2017, the University of Salzburg, together with the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, the EuropeDirect Information Center Salzburg Süd and the Salzburg Academy, will offer a colorful, free program.Mehr erfahren
More than 100 events will take place in the city of Salzburg during the "Wissenschaftsmonat - Jetzt Zukunft erleben". The University of Salzburg is involved.Mehr erfahren
A total of 34 researchers were newly admitted to the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW). Julia Lajta-Novak, Habil-Stipendiatin für Englische Literaturund Kulturwissenschaft, Universität Salzburg, was appointed to the "Junge Akademie".Mehr erfahren
The Austrian Network for Migration History (ÖNM) recently expanded and enriched the research profile of the Department of History with its research, exhibition, collection and publication activities within the framework of historical migration research. At the same time, the network is the Research Center of Migration, Labor and Urban Studies, which is also located at the Department of History.Mehr erfahren
Under the title "Open for Collaboration", the Austrian universities announce which technologies are available for cooperation. Approximately 100 research infrastructures currently are available at the University of Salzburg.Mehr erfahren
On Thursday, 4 May, at 17:30, the lecture series of the Department of Communication Science and the Center for ICT&S continues with a lecture by Rudolf Mosler on "Arbeit 4.0 - Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen neuer Arbeitsformen". Location: Hörsaal 381, Rudolfskai 42.Mehr erfahren
The vendors of the street magazine Apropos belong to the Salzburger everyday life. But to what extent is there an exchange between the vendors and the passersby? Scientists from the University of Salzburg and employees of Apropos report on a research project on the challenges of integration.Mehr erfahren
The question of Theological Theology is discussed in four blocks, from 14:30 to 18:00 in HS 103 of the Catholic Theological Faculty (Universitätsplatz 1, Salzburg, 3 OG). Next date: Tues., 9 May, 2017.Mehr erfahren
The starting point of the guest lecture within the framework of the Philosophical Society in Salzburg, in cooperation with the Salzburg Working Group for Psychoanalysis (SAP), is both a simple statement and a complex question.Mehr erfahren
Guest lecture on Monday, 9 May, 2017, with Dr. Gabriele Schmidhuber-Aspöck (LVR Archaeological Park Xanten). Abguss-Sammlung SR E.33, Residenzplatz 1.Mehr erfahren
The University of Salzburg Library is involved! Workshop "Fit 4 VWA" (Schwerpunkt Naturwissenschaften)Mehr erfahren
Annette Keck, Professor of Gender Studies, Cultural Theory and Modern German Literature in Munich, speaks in the course of the lecture series "POLEMIK UND GENDER. CONSTRUCIONS - DISTINCTIONAL PROVOCATIONS" in the Unipark Nonntal (18.00-19.30h) - erfahren
From 13:00 to 18:00, lectures will be held on the subject of "Armenia". The speakers are coming from Australia, the USA and directly from Armenia, as well as from Salzburg and Vienna. The venue is Hörsaal 101 in the Faculty of Theology, Universitätsplatz 1.Mehr erfahren
Workshop with Ana Hoffner at the Kunstquartier with Science & Art (Bergstrasse 12a, Atelier, 1st floor), admission is free! Friday, 12 May (12-18h) - Saturday, 13 May. (10-17h).Mehr erfahren
The European Union, the Republic of Austria and the Province of Salzburg share the goal of improving the care and, in particular, the development of therapy for patients with rare diseases. At the European level, the "European Reference Networks" program has been launched after 15 years of preparation. On 12 May, a conference will be held at the University of Salzburg.Mehr erfahren
The series of lectures on ‘Erziehungswissenschaftliche Migrationsforschung in vergleichender Perspektive’ is a contribution of the interdisciplinary exchange on education in the society of migration. In this framework, a dialogue between an expert audience, students and urban society is to be stimulated and new emphasis for intercultural education research and the opening up of educational institutions.Mehr erfahren
Symposium. Wednesday, 17 May, 2017, 14:00 - 19:30, W & K Atelier. Organization & Moderation: Siglinde Lang / Sandra Chatterjee. To be able to participate actively in shaping one’s own life is regarded as a fundamental right of civil society and includes the right to cultural participation. But is this participation made use of and fully utilized?Mehr erfahren
Panel discussion in the Unipark on the current debate of "political correctness" with Alexandra Weiss, Matthias Dusini and Michael Schmidt-Salomon. Time: 18:00 - 19:30.Mehr erfahren
A workshop will be held on the topic of ‘Evidence, Uncertainty and Decision Making with a particular Emphasis on Climate Science’.Mehr erfahren
Tuesday, 23 May, 2017, 19:00, Saal of the Salzburger Nachrichten (Karolingerstraße 40, Salzburg). Theme: "The wisdom of India, what connects Hindus and Christians."Mehr erfahren
Manfred Auer will hold a guest lecture on the subject of "A Confocal Nanoscanning - On-Bead Screening Platform (CONA) for basic and translational science" on 19 June, 2017, in the Grünen Hörsaal (403) at the NW-Fakultät. The Department of Molecular Biology invites you to attend!Mehr erfahren