The demand for computing power is constantly increasing and the consumption of resources to support these calculations continues to rise. The clock frequency of processors in classic computers, typically a few GHz, seems to have reached its limit. Performance improvements in the last ten years have mainly focused on the parallelization of tasks using multi-core systems operated in HPC centers in the form of fast networked multi-node computing clusters. However, computing power only increases approximately linearly with the number of nodes. Instead of focusing on a homogeneous setup of identical nodes, development has shifted to the operation of heterogeneous systems consisting of various specialized nodes or accelerators such as GPUs or NPUs, each optimized for a specific calculation. "With the advent of quantum computers and their ability to solve certain problems in chemistry or materials science much faster than is classically possible, quantum accelerators for HPC computers are a new, very exciting possibility," says quantum physicist Thomas Monz, assistant professor at the University of Innsbruck and CEO of the spin-off AQT.
As part of the FFG-funded HPQC project, researchers and developers at the University of Innsbruck are investigating the integration of a quantum computer into an HPC environment. Based on standardized interfaces for quantum computers, the Innsbruck team succeeded in connecting the LEO5 computing cluster operated by the university with the IBEX Q1 quantum computer from AQT. The corresponding work forms the basis for future research and development work on quantum-based solutions in heterogeneous infrastructures.
"The successful integration of a quantum computer into a high-performance computing environment marks a significant milestone for Austrian and European research and technology development. This opens up completely new possibilities for mastering complex scientific and industrial challenges and shaping the future of computing. This project impressively demonstrates the innovative strength and technological lead that we can achieve in our country and shows the enormous potential and independence of the EU in quantum technologies. The FFG is proud to support this pioneering development," says Henrietta Egerth, Managing Director of the FFG.
Hybrid supercomputer in use in research and teaching
The hybrid supercomputer is currently being operated and expanded as part of the HPQC project, with a focus on demonstrating hybrid quantum solutions. Consortium partners such as Math.Tec GmbH in Vienna or the research group led by Prof. Ivona Brandic at TU Wien can directly access this hybrid HPC-QC framework and perform calculations. The consortium is based on standardized resource and user management, which means that significantly more users can benefit from the infrastructure in Innsbruck. In addition to research and development, the solutions offered will also be used in courses in the fields of computer science, physics and chemistry in order to train a new generation of quantum-aware researchers and engineers."As part of the HPQC project, we have easy access to the Innsbruck HPC infrastructure. Our employees can carry out calculations in the hybrid infrastructure and research new solutions for logistical problems. Dr. Angelika Widl, one of our researchers, regularly pursues unexplored approaches thanks to the unimagined possibilities in Innsbruck," explains Karl Knall, Managing Director of Math.Tec GmbH, partner in the HPQC project.
"Quantum computers follow novel computational paradigms and therefore offer new solutions - some of them outperforming the best classical algorithms. However, the integration of these accelerators into classical computing infrastructure and the search for hybrid solutions that combine the best of both worlds is an unexplored area. The HPQC project offers us the opportunity to advance research and development in this scientifically and economically interesting area," says Ivona Brandic, Group Leader for High Performance Computing Systems at TU Wien.