Addiction disorders in Austria are still clearly male-dominated, but women are catching up in areas such as alcohol and cigarette addiction - especially at a young age. To mark Gender Research Day on 5 December, MedUni Vienna is presenting the current state of research into gender-specific aspects of addiction in a video.
The increasing number of addictions in Austria raises not only health-related but also gender-sensitive questions. Gender-specific considerations in research are necessary in order to better understand the various challenges in addiction treatment. On Gender Research Day, Gabriele Fischer from MedUni Vienna’s Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy pleads for targeted alcohol prevention in the reproductive phase. "Far too little is known about the effects of alcohol consumption on foetal growth and early childhood development - particularly in the first few weeks of pregnancy, when this is often not even known," emphasizes the addiction researcher.
In the following video, Gabriele Fischer explains further findings on the topic of "Addiction & Gender":
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PlayBook tip: ,,Sucht. Neue Erkenntnisse und Behandlungswege." Gabriele Fischer & Arkadiusz Komorowski, Publication date: 06.12.2023, MedUni Vienna at MANZ Verlag,
ISBN 978-3’214 -25406-3, 232 pages, 23.90 euros,
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The Gender Studies Day was launched by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research and took place for the first time in 2022. Numerous institutions in Austria are joining forces and taking part in the initiative in order to highlight achievements in the field of gender research and thus highlight the social and scientific relevance of this approach to research.