TU Wien becomes fuTUre fit!

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© TU Wien, Foto: Matthias Heisler
© TU Wien, Foto: Matthias Heisler
Kick-off event for the Strategy Development Process of TU Wien

On April 11, the Rectorate of TU Wien welcomed employees and students to the Wien Museum for the kick-off event of the strategy development process fuTUre fit. There is a clear vision behind the process: TU Wien should continue to be a leading research institution and an attractive employer in the future.

Rector Jens Schneider wants "TU Wien to be one of the most important and attractive universities in the world" in 10 years’ time. TU Wien already has the best prerequisites for this: the right combination of tradition and high-tech in excellent teaching and research, an incredible scientific curiosity and the will to constantly develop technology further. "With the collective brainpower and the different perspectives, TU Wien will succeed in fully exploiting its potential," the Rector is convinced.

Jasmin Gründling-Riener, Vice-Rector Academic Affairs, knows that "no vision can be achieved without a proper strategy". The Vice-Rector’s vision: a TU Wien in which "motivated and motivating teachers are employed, students are the focus and all teachers and students feel so strongly connected that they merge into a lively academic community."

Peter Ertl, Vice-Rector Research, Innovation,International Affairs, considers the strategy development process unique in what TU Wien is trying to do here, as he believes that there has never been such a process in academia before. Throughout his academic training and work, "no one has ever asked me for my opinion or asked me to help shape a strategy."

For Ute Koch, Vice-Rector Human Resources, the focus is on the world of work. Their vision is for TU Wien to "rank among the top 20" in a survey for the best employer (note: in the trend survey for the best Arbeitgeber_innen 2024, TU Wien ranks 39th ).

"There’s always something to do," says Wolfgang Kastner, Vice-Rector Digitalization and Infrastructure. He is looking forward to working together as TU Wien to "make TU Wien fuTUre fit."

Join us!

The fuTUre fit strategy is to be developed together, new formats and ideas are to be developed together and finally implemented. For this reason, the Rectorate invites all Mitarbeiter_innen and students to actively participate in shaping the strategy development process. To this end, the two key questions are to be addressed in a first step by November 2024: What does TU Wien stand for? and What should TU Wien stand for in 10 years? be discussed.

In the next step, a workshop week from 18 to 22 November 2024, concrete strategies are to be jointly developed from the proposals submitted before they are then implemented from January to April 2025.

Stay informed!

Rector Jens Schneider keeps an Instagram diary of fuTUre fit : Follow him to be informed daily and sign up for the to stay up-to-date.
All information about fuTUre fit can be found on the.