On 22 March, 2017, the first "Alumni Lecture" took place during the series of Salzburg Lectures. In doing so, outstanding graduates from the University of Salzburg were invited to comment on current topics.
Die Reihe wurde mit einem Vortrag von Botschafter Mag. Peter Launsky-Tieffenthal, der im Außenministerium in der Sektion Entwicklungszusammenarbeit tätig ist, eröffnet. Launsky-Tieffenthal erörterte Fragen über die aktuellen Migrationsströme nach Europa und führte deutlich vor Augen, dass Ereignisse in anderen Teilen der Welt unmittelbare Auswirkungen auf unser tägliches Leben haben können. Es entwickelte sich eine lebhafte Diskussion mit dem Publikum, das sich sehr interessiert an den Erfahrungen und Erlebnissen von Botschafter Launsky-Tieffenthal zeigte. Die ‘Alumni Lecture’ fand in den schönen Räumlichkeiten von Schloss Arenberg statt, in die der Präsident des Alumni-Clubs Konsul Dr. Rudolf Aichinger geladen hatte.
Foto (v.l.n.r.): Mag. Hermann Wielandner, Vizerektorin Sylvia Hahn, Botschafter Peter Launsky-Tieffenthal und Alumni-Präsident Dr. Rudolf Aichinger
On 22 March, 2017, the first "Alumni Lecture" took place during the series of Salzburg Lectures. In doing so, outstanding graduates from the University of Salzburg were invited to comment on current topics.Mehr erfahren
On 10 April, 2017, Daniel Hebenstreit will hold a guest lecture on "The modern single life: stochastic modeling of individual cells and molecules" in the Grünen Hörsaal (403) of the NW Faculty at 16:00. The Department of Molecular Biology invites you to join us!Mehr erfahren
Bart Simpsons butt, the three pigs and even a live ultrasound examination were experienced on stage. In the ARGEculture, which has been completely rebuilt, the spectrum of topics ranged from anthropology to neurolinguistics to wood chemistry. Our consumption behavior was analyzed, as well as our speech tools. A well-preserved and highly informative household book from Mozart’s time and a picture of Bansky were objects on hand.Mehr erfahren
The Design of Trade Agreements (DESTA) Project of Political Science at the University of Salzburg received first prize from the International Political Economy Society (IPES) for the best dataset in the field of International Political Economy.Mehr erfahren
Visiting lecturer on Monday, 27 March, 2017, at 18:30, Residenzplatz 1, Abguss-Sammlung SR E.33, Classical and Early Aegean Archeology. Lecturer: Univ.- Helmut Reimitz, University of Princeton (New Jersey); Department of History.Mehr erfahren
The question of Theological Theology is discussed in four blocks, from 2:30 to 18:00 in HS 103 of the Catholic Theological Faculty (Universitätsplatz 1, Salzburg, 3 OG). Next event: Tues., 4 April, 2017.Mehr erfahren
W & K Forum. Tuesday, 4 April, 2017, 19:00 - 20:30, DAS KINO, Gewölbe, Giselakai 11, Salzburg. Filmscreening and conversation with the artist Oliver Ressler. Interviewer: Karolina Radenkovi’, Galerie 5020. Controversies with migration and flight play a central role in contemporary artistic positions, including the work of the Austrian artist and filmmaker Oliver Ressler.Mehr erfahren
On 5 April, 2017, Prof. Christian Neuhäuser (TU Dortmund) will give a public lecture on "Anhaltende Armut und die Grenzen des Wohlfahrtsstaates" at the Center for Ethics and Poverty Research.Mehr erfahren
The starting point of the guest lecture is a simple statement and a complex question: the Philosophical Society in Salzburg in cooperation with the Salzburg Working Group for Psychoanalysis (SAP)Mehr erfahren
The University Chamber Choir Collegium Musicum Salzburg invites you to the Passion Concert in the Parish Church of Itzling on Friday, 7 April, 19:30.Mehr erfahren
Symposium. Wednesday, 17 May, 2017, 14:00 - 19:30, W & K Atelier. Organization & Moderation: Siglinde Lang / Sandra Chatterjee. To be able to participate actively in shaping one’s own life is regarded as a fundamental right of civil society and includes the right to cultural participation. But is this participation made use of and fully utilized?Mehr erfahren