news 2023



Results 1 - 4 of 4.

Physics - Economics - 06.07.2023
World's first chip with quantum architecture in use
World’s first chip with quantum architecture in use
Japanese IT company NEC has built the first quantum processor based on the ParityQC architecture. The Parity technology was invented at the University of Innsbruck and is being further developed and marketed by the spin-off ParityQC. NEC is now making the quantum computer, which specializes in optimization problems, available to the scientific community via the cloud.

Agronomy / Food Science - Economics - 05.07.2023
Biodiversity in intensive agriculture
Biodiversity in intensive agriculture
A study with BOKU participation shows that biodiversity in intensive agriculture is not economically profitable for farmers. Measures for more sustainable agriculture can increase the number and diversity of wild bee species in grassland and thus increase pollination and crop yields in neighboring fields.

Economics - 31.05.2023
Mora­lity and com­pe­ti­tion in sci­ence
Mora­lity and com­pe­ti­tion in sci­ence
How does competition influence moral behaviour? Studies have so far found evidence for both a negative and a positive influence of competition on moral behaviour. Researchers from Innsbruck, Vienna, Stockholm and Amsterdam are using this unanswered question in a meta-study to investigate the extent to which different study designs can be responsible for variability in scientific results.

Economics - Computer Science - 17.04.2023
New CD Laboratory at TU Graz: Data-Controlled Condition Monitoring in Steel Production
New CD Laboratory at TU Graz: Data-Controlled Condition Monitoring in Steel Production
By Susanne Filzwieser In the new Christian Doppler Laboratory for Reliable Systems in Harsh Environments, researchers at TU Graz, supported by the refractories group RHI Magnesita, are focusing on data-driven condition monitoring in the steel production process. Things are heating up in steel production.