news 2021
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History / Archeology - 13.04.2021
Childbirth versus pelvic floor stability: An evolutionary history of compromises
Human childbirth is comparatively difficult because our babies' heads are large relative to our birth canals. This tight "fetopelvic" fit increases the risk of obstructed labor, which in turn has potentially dire outcomes for both mother and child. It has long been thought that bipedalism prevents further widening of the human pelvis.
History / Archeology - 24.03.2021
Older than expected: Teeth reveal the origin of the tiger shark
With a total length of up to 5.5m, the tiger shark is one of the largest predatory sharks known today. This shark is a cosmopolitan species occurring in all oceans worldwide. It is characterized by a striped pattern on its back, which is well marked in juveniles but usually fades in adults.