MentoringPLUS für Mentees

- EN - DE
MentoringPLUS für Mentees

09:00 - 17:00


Koordinationsstelle für Geschlechterstudien




Resowi-Zentrum, SZ 15.22, Bauteil G, 2. Stock, Eingang Schubertstraße



Termin vormerken

Empowerment for Mentees: The MentoringPLUS workshop is open to all women* junior scientists/scholars from any field of research at Graz University.

The workshop aims to prepare female* PhD students and Post-Docs for a traditional mentoring partnership. Mentees are guided to actively shape their mentoring partnership. They shall define their goals, which they shall then work on achieving together with their mentors. Individual coachings support mentees in their endeavours, provide guidance and offer stimulus. This programme enhances women’s scientific/academic careers; the language can be English or German.

Target group
Female* PhD students and Post-Docs of any discipline at Graz University who aim to engage in supportive interaction in the shape of mentoring for their scientific/academic career.