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Results 1 - 50 of 105.
Computer Science - Career - 05.09.2024
ERC Starting Grants for Maria Eichlseder and Fariba Karimi
Research Management - Career - 05.09.2024
Three ERC grants for TU Wien
Career - Life Sciences - 05.09.2024
Cells, Data, Stars: New ERC Projects at ISTA
Chemistry - Career - 05.09.2024
Florian Glöcklhofer: New class of molecules for better charge transport
Campus - Career - 18.07.2024
A Round Anniversary for Equal Opportunities
Career - Research Management - 18.07.2024
What Do I Need to Consider When Applying for an ERC grant?
Career - Physics - 10.07.2024
Obituary: Arnold Schmidt
Campus - Career - 13.06.2024
First mentoring programme for female students completed
Career - Pedagogy - 28.05.2024
For knowledge-hungry people and bargain hunters: Benefits for TU Graz employees
Career - Life Sciences - 15.05.2024
Exploring Uncharted Territories
Embarking on a postdoctoral journey marks a critical juncture for recent PhD graduates. ISTA wants to encourage ambitious researchers to follow their curiosity, even if it means taking risks.
Health - Career - 21.02.2024
Pamela Rendi-Wagner nominated as new head of the EU health agency ECDC
Campus - Career - 08.01.2024
Discover your study options: Info events at the FH Salzburg
Innovation - Career - 04.12.2023
ISTA Congratulates Tom Henzinger
Career - Research Management - 23.11.2023
ERC Consolidator Grant for Leoben Metallurgist
Health - Career - 20.11.2023
Alex Farr takes over the presidency of the ÖGfPPM
Career - Campus - 14.11.2023
’Contacta’ careers fair for Salzburg students
Pedagogy - Career - 25.10.2023
E-mail from... TU Graz
Career - 25.10.2023
TU Graz experts: Julia Hutter, Michaela Feier-Osmann, Heide Jöbstl
Campus - Career - 23.10.2023
Graduates of the University of Vienna strengthen our economy and society
Career - Campus - 20.10.2023
Mentoring programme for female students
Campus - Career - 19.10.2023
New Master’s degree programmes from autumn 2024
Innovation - Career - 06.10.2023
Accelerator Programme for Innovators
Campus - Career - 05.10.2023
Updates at FH Salzburg: Rectorate, Shareholders, and Study Programs
Career - 21.09.2023
Stays abroad: tips and info
Research Management - Career - 05.09.2023
Three ERC Grants for TU Wien
Innovation - Career - 05.09.2023
ERC Starting Grant for TU Graz Researcher Sonja Wogrin: Innovative Data Aggregation for Decarbonised Power Systems
Campus - Career - 10.07.2023
Research Campus at Urstein Castle opened at the FH Salzburg
The first Josef Ressel Research Centre was opened at Salzburg University of Applied Sciences 10 years ago.
Health - Career - 13.06.2023
Maria Wakolbinger, Eva Winzer and Kyriaki Papantoniou receive Horizon Europe Grant
Career - Campus - 13.04.2023
ATRACK: Career entry and career paths of university graduates
Computer Science - Career - 07.03.2023
ERC Grant for Maria Christakis: Who analyzes the analyzers?
Health - Career - 07.03.2023
International Women’s Day on the 8th of March
Life Sciences - Career - 23.12.2022
Javier Martinez receives extensive ’doc.funds’ Grant of the FWF
Javier Martinez, research group leader at the joint Max Perutz Laboratories of MedUni Vienna and the University of Vienna, is coordinating the project "RNA@core: Molecular Mechanisms in RNA Biology", which has been awarded an extensive "doc.funds" grant by the Austrian Science Fund FWF.
Chemistry - Career - 23.12.2022
Two Spin-Off Fellowships for TU Graz
Health - Career - 22.11.2022
Thomas Vogl receives prestigious ERC Starting Grant from the EU
Thomas Vogl, research group leader at MedUni Vienna's Center for Cancer Research, has received a "Starting Grant" from the European Research Council (ERC) with funding of ¤1.65 million for five years.
Career - 15.11.2022
Fair job opportunities without biases with voice.of.diversity
Event - Career - 07.11.2022
Should I stay, should I go?
Career - Health - 20.10.2022
Maria Eder takes over as MedUni Vienna’s HR Director
Campus - Career - 12.10.2022
Energize your future with the master program ’Renewable Energy Systems’ at TU Wien Academy
Event - Career - 15.05.2022
MentoringPLUS für Mentees
Career - Campus - 08.03.2022
’Different rules apply to women in professional life’
Career - Event - 03.02.2022
Let’s talk about Human Rights Careers
Career - Event - 13.10.2021
Arqus PhD Week for Careers outside Academia
Electroengineering - Career - 08.10.2021
Funding in the millions for joint doctoral programme of FH JOANNEUM and TU Graz
Campus - Career - 10.07.2021
SUMMER SCHOOL 2021 - Science and Technology Success Strategies for Female* Scientists
Career - Event - 18.06.2021
Let’s reflect on employment crisis in Iraq
Campus - Career - 17.06.2021
Next stop: PhD?
Career - 11.05.2021
Working from home. What needs to be considered in the home office
The TUW Home Office Guideline from October 2020 has been adapted in a few points to the legal regulations that have been in effect since 1 April 2021.
Career - 01.04.2021
New home office regulations from April 1, 2021
Event - Career - 14.11.2020
Shaping PostDoc Careers
Career - 10.11.2020
16.11.: Online Event "Panorama:Uni"