17.10.: Salzburger Vorlesung mit Heinz Sichrovsky, Literaturkritiker [Kopie]


BUCHPRÄSENTATION ,,ALS ICH KÖNIG WAR UND MAURER" - Mit diesen Worten beginnt eines der rätselhaftenFreimaurergedichte von Rudyard Kipling. Aus den Textenberühmter Literaten liest der Schauspieler Joseph Lorenz.

Ob Goethe, Heinrich Heine, Oscar Wilde oder Puschkin: Sie alle waren nicht nur große Dichter ihrer Zeit, sondern gehörten auch dem Bund der Freimaurer an. Rund 2,5 Millionen Freimaurer gibt es weltweit, in Österreich etwa 70 Logen mit durchschnittlich 40 Mitgliedern. Heinz Sichrovsky bietet mitdieser Anthologie einen umfangreichen Überblick überfreimaurerische Lyrik.

Heinz Sichrovsky ist Theater-, Musikund Literaturkritiker. Der gebürtige Wiener ist Kulturchef des Magazins News, Moderatordes Literaturformats ,,erLesen" auf ORF III, Theaterkritiker und Kolumnist für ,,Krone’" und ORF. Er verfasste u.a. Fachbücherüber die Kunst der Freimaurer.

Heinz Sichrovsky (Hrsg.), ,,Als ich König war und Maurer",Freimaurerdichtung aus vier Jahrhunderten. StudienVerlag.

WANN: Dienstag, 17. Oktober 2017, 19.00 Uhr

WO: Max Gandolph Bibliothek, Kapitelgasse 5-7, 1. Stock

Bitte um Anmeldung mit Angabe der Personenanzahl bis 16. Oktober: hier.

Parkmöglichkeit zum Sondertarif in der Mönchsberggarage. Wir lochen Ihren Parkschein.

BUCHPRÄSENTATION ,,ALS ICH KÖNIG WAR UND MAURER" - Mit diesen Worten beginnt eines der rätselhaften Freimaurergedichte von Rudyard Kipling. Aus den Texten berühmter Literaten liest der Schauspieler Joseph Lorenz.

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On 3 October, 2017, the Center for Theology Intercultural and Study of the Religions of the University of Salzburg awarded the Erwin Kräutler Prize for the fourth time. This year, the award went to theologians Sebastian Pittl (IWM St. Georgen) and Stefan Silber (University of Osnabrück).

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From 4 to 6 October, 2017, the annual meeting of the Austrian Society for German Studies (ÖGG) takes place at the Department of German Studies at the University of Salzburg.

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For five weeks, the data science student, Martin Huf, worked in city statistics and researched the population development of the past three years in the city of Salzburg as part of his compulsory practical training. The course DataScience in the Wissensstadt Salzburg is unique in Austria and gives the students the necessary tools for working with "Big Data".

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Orientation for new university students, who were provided with general information about the studies at the University of Salzburg, was held from 26 to 28 September in the Große Universitätsaula.

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Thomas-Bernhard-Tage St. Veit 2017 in cooperation with Science & Art: Thomas Bernhard as a polemicist. New perspectives on an argumentative author, 13 - 14 October, 2017 (Friday from 19:30; Saturday from 9:00), Seelackenmuseum, St. Veit / Pongau, Langmoos 41 - www.w-k.sbg.ac.at/kunstp­olemik-pol­emikkunst/­aktuelles.

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Visiting lecturer on Tuesday, 10 October at 18:30, with Jean Nicolas Haas (Univ. Innsbruck, Institute of Botany) in the Abguss-Sammlung SR E.33 (Classical and Early Aegean Archeology, Residenzplatz 1).

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During the PLUS Bicycle Day at the Unipark Nonntal, all members of the university have the opportunity to take their bicycles in for a service check where one or the other little screw/bolt will be tightened as needed.

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The UNIGIS u_Lecture webinars will provide interesting topics from the field of geoinformatics directly on PCs and mobile phones from the beginning of October. The webinars in English are open to all who are interested in the exciting developments in this field, or who are simply enthusiastic about lifelong learning.

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Technologies and methods of geoinformatics are rapidly evolving. What are the opportunities and options for companies that arise from these innovations’ At the Department of Geoinformatics at the University of Salzburg, experts from several companies report on their solutions and experiences regarding location, virtual interfaces and geo-sensing.

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Two days, six scientific lectures, 18 practice workshops, a multi-confessional morning show, a musical premiere, 280 participants, more than 500 Twitter messages with the Hashtag #k3klima, 400 Esterhazy-Törtchen on the catering buffets. This (and much more) was K3 - the first conference for climate change, communication and society on the 25th and 26th of September in Salzburg.

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Outstanding pre-scientific work was honoured on 20 September with the HANS-RIEGEL-Fachpreis: In cooperation with the Kaiserschild-Foundation, the University of Salzburg again awarded prizes to students and schools in the state of Salzburg, with a total value of 3550 Euro.

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The Universitätsbibliothek Salzburg (Hauptbibliothek und Fakultätsbibliothek für Rechtswissenschaften) opens the door to the public and offers a varied program.

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On the occasion of the Long Night of the Museums 2017. the plaster cast collection (die Abguss-Sammlung) of the University of Salzburg will be made available to the public.

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The Center for Jewish Cultural History at the University of Salzburg offers a public lecture series during the winter semester 2017/18, Thursdays 17:00-19:00, HS E.001 (Unipark). The opening lecture on 5 October will be given by Susanne Plietzsch and Armin Eidherr.

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On 5 October, 2017, at 15:30, Dr. Markus Künzler will hold a guest lecture on "Peptides as defense effectors of mushrooms against bacteria and nematodes", in seminar room (103) at Billrothstrasse 11. The Department of Molecular Biology invites you to attend!

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Important dates and information about registration for courses at the Sprachenzentrum (Language Center), Winter Term 2017/18.

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