will begin via the website www.medizinstudieren.at. There are 1,900 study places available. The registration deadline for the admission tests, which will take place on July 5, 2024 (approx. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.), is Friday, March 29, 2024.
www.medizinstudieren.at provides all’important information about the admission procedures and all study locations, as well as answers to frequently asked questions.
For optimal preparation, the website provides numerous sample exercises and information on the individual test sections and task groups as well as general processing instructions and guides free of charge. No proof of Matura or Abitur is required either for online registration or for participation in the MedAT entrance test. In order to be allowed to take the entrance test, you must be at least in the final (12th/13th) school year. Anyone who has obtained a place at university must prove that they are ready for university as part of the admission process.
A total of 1,900 study places
For the academic year 2024/25, a total of 1,900 study places are available for human medicine and dentistry, which is 50 more than in the previous year, including 772 (2023: 760) at the Medical University of Vienna, 420 (2023: 410) at the Medical University of Innsbruck, 388 (2023: 370) at the Medical University of Graz and 320 (2023: 310) at the Medical Faculty of the JKU Linz. At least 95% of the study places are reserved for EU citizens and persons of equal status with regard to access to studies and at least 75% of the study places are reserved for applicants with a school-leaving certificate from Austria. However, this quota regulation only applies to the allocation of study places in human medicine. In the 2024/25 academic year, 85 of the 1,900 medical study places are dedicated to tasks in the public interest for the federal states, the Austrian Health Insurance Fund, the Federal Ministry of the Interior and the Federal Ministry of Defense. Applicants who wish to apply for such a study place must take part in the regular application process for the desired location and undertake to actually perform the tasks in the public interest as part of an agreement with the respective institution. A minimum performance in the entrance test must be achieved in order to obtain these study places. Further details can also be found at www.medizinstudieren.at.For the binding registration for the entrance tests, a cost contribution of EUR 110 must be paid in due time as part of the online registration. This is a contribution to cover the costs incurred by the universities for the admission procedures. The admission tests will take place at all locations on Friday, July 5, 2024.
Dates of the Human Medicine and Dentistry 2024 admission procedures:
March 1 to 29, 2024: Internet registration and payment of cost sharingFriday, July 5, 2024: MedAT entrance test in Vienna, Innsbruck, Graz and Linz
In the 32nd calendar week of 2024: Announcement of the test results