How can I gain international experience?

TU Graz expert Karin Weinberger is contact person for staff mobility at the Inte
TU Graz expert Karin Weinberger is contact person for staff mobility at the International Office - Welcome Center. Source: TU Graz
By Victoria Graf

TU Graz is committed to internationalisation and promotes staff mobility for employees in all areas. TU Graz expert Karin Weinberger at the International Office - Welcome Center is happy to give you all the information you need.

What do I get out of a stay abroad?

  • Stays abroad help to establish international contacts and to have discussions with professional colleagues: "Personal exchange is unbeatable!" You can also use the opportunity to meet colleagues in other countries with whom you have been working virtually for some time.
  • Develop your professional skills as well as your language skills. Also, take advantage of training opportunities that are not available in Graz or gain insights into the world of work at another university.
  • In addition, stays abroad provide a motivation booster and allow you to look beyond your own nose.
  • Staff mobility offers are not only aimed at academic staff, there are also a variety of opportunities for non-academic staff: from Unite! programmes to language stays and staff weeks or job shadowing to workshops.
  • How does TU Graz support my stay abroad?

  • Further training or teaching stays within the (and in countries with the relevant agreements, e.g. Serbia) are funded via Erasmus+.
  • TU Graz supports worldwide stays from its own budget: this includes teaching and further education stays as well as research trips. There are TU Graz employees who have already been to the or India, for example.
  • This is not complete funding, but rather financial support. Funding is provided (up to a fixed maximum) for travel and accommodation costs, usually for up to 14 days. In exceptional cases, longer stays are possible, e.g. at Unite! universities.

  • "We make the bureaucratic processes as simple as possible. Don’t be put off by any forms, I’m here for all your questions," stresses Karin Weinberger.

  • Please submit your application online at least one month before the planned stay and obtain the approval and signature of your direct superior.

  • Karin Weinberger will be happy to assist you with the funding process, but you must organise the stay abroad yourself.

    You can find this and other articles to browse through in TU Graz people #85 , the magazine for TU Graz employees and interested parties.

  • Since August 2021 at TU Graz and contact person for staff mobility at the International Office - Welcome Center
  • Studied sports science and is an enthusiastic sportswoman in her spare time (diver, ski instructor, adventure gymnastics with children)
  • Brings a lot of personal experience abroad to bear: "I’ve always enjoyed travelling - what I like about my job is that I can enable others to do the same."