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Termin vormerken Roxana Sobrino Triana (Universitetet i Bergen) "Cuba: Realidades e imaginarios lingüísticos" [in Spanish] The Colloquium on Romance Linguistics is a series of online-presentations held by several linguists from the Arqus universities. During the summer term 2021 (April, May and June), the colloquium is hosted by the university of Graz (Martin Hummel). It usually takes place on Wednesday (18:45 - 20:15) and is open to every interested scholar. The sessions will last approximately 1,5 hours (1 hour of presentation + half an hour of discussion).The Colloquium is an initiative of the recently launched Arqus International Forum on Romance Studies.Roxana Sobrino ÜBergen) will present her recently launched book "Cuba: Realidades e imaginarios lingüísticos"
Institut für Romanistik Martin Hummel +43 316 380 2501