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Art and Design

Results 1 - 36 of 36.

Art and Design - Health - 13.11.2024
Gustav Klimt’s faculty painting ’Medicine’ unveiled at MedUni Vienna

Event - Art and Design - 25.10.2024
Christiane Druml awarded the 2024 Monument Protection Medal
Christiane Druml awarded the 2024 Monument Protection Medal

Art and Design - Event - 06.08.2024
Visiting an Art Exhibition can make you think more socially and openly - but for how long?
Visiting an Art Exhibition can make you think more socially and openly - but for how long?
Vienna Scientists find that visiting an art exhibition can make people more reflective and willing to help others for up to a week A new study by an international team of collaborators led by researc

Art and Design - Innovation - 15.05.2024
Open Lecture by Fulbright Professor David Bassuk

Art and Design - Environment - 21.03.2024
Two Artists, Two Portraits
Two Artists, Two Portraits

Art and Design - Event - 18.04.2023
Alexandre Diop at the Josephinum

Innovation - Art and Design - 15.12.2021
StudentsART: Online Shop for Extraordinary Design by TU Graz Students Continues to Grow
StudentsART: Online Shop for Extraordinary Design by TU Graz Students Continues to Grow
By Christoph Pelzl New designer furniture and high-quality décor objects, ceramics 3D-printed for the first time and extraordinary works of art made of alginate that are not available anywhere else.

Art and Design - 02.12.2021
MedUni Vienna receives artwork of Brigitte Kowanz

Event - Art and Design - 17.06.2021
Travel and Collaboration: Entangled Artistic Practices Across the Americas
Travel and Collaboration: Entangled Artistic Practices Across the Americas

Environment - Art and Design - 25.03.2021
The Two Rivers of Mesopotamia

History / Archeology - Art and Design - 27.01.2021
DO 28.1.: MAKING ART MODERN? VIEWS FROM THE ITALIAN RENAISSANCE- Talk by Robert Brennan with a response by Wolf-Dietrich Löhr
DO 28.1.: MAKING ART MODERN? VIEWS FROM THE ITALIAN RENAISSANCE- Talk by Robert Brennan with a response by Wolf-Dietrich Löhr
10h /Online-Matinee mit Vortrag und Gespräch aus der Reihe ,,Artes" mit Robert Brennan und Wolf-Dietrich Löhr.

History / Archeology - Art and Design - 10.01.2021
THURS 28 JAN.: MAKING ART MODERN? VIEWS FROM THE ITALIAN RENAISSANCE- Talk by Robert Brennan with a response by Wolf-Dietrich Löhr
THURS 28 JAN.: MAKING ART MODERN? VIEWS FROM THE ITALIAN RENAISSANCE- Talk by Robert Brennan with a response by Wolf-Dietrich Löhr

Art and Design - Event - 28.10.2020
Full-Frontal / Out of Sight: VALIE EXPORT, Ingrid Wiener, and Feminist Performance Art

Art and Design - 19.11.2019
Brown Bag: Outlining Film: European Cinema and Border Narratives

Art and Design - 28.08.2019
Graz becomes capital of digital game development
Graz becomes capital of digital game development

Art and Design - 14.11.2018
City as Interface - Fulbright Specialist hosted by TU Wien
City as Interface - Fulbright Specialist hosted by TU Wien

Art and Design - 23.12.2017
The 7th Paris Lodron Ball of the University of Salzburg on 20 January, 2018
The 7th Paris Lodron Ball of the University of Salzburg on 20 January, 2018

Linguistics / Literature - Art and Design - 13.11.2017
Search for Truth: TU Wien’s library building marks its 30th anniversary
TU Wien will be celebrating the 30th anniversary of its library building with a light, space and sound installation opening on 13 November.

Law - Art and Design - 11.08.2017
Alumni Club founds Munich Chapter
Alumni Club founds Munich Chapter

Law - Art and Design - 04.08.2017
The University of Salzburg acquires the Karl Böhm Collection
The University of Salzburg acquires the Karl Böhm Collection

Art and Design - Event - 25.07.2017
5 - 27 August: Sala Terrena Becomes an Art Salon
5 - 27 August: Sala Terrena Becomes an Art Salon

History / Archeology - Art and Design - 24.05.2017
30 May: Public Lecture Series:
30 May: Public Lecture Series: "Experimentation Space Science and Art"
Lecture by Katharina Anzengruber: KLANGKÖRPER - KÖPERKLANG within the course of the public lecture series "Experimentierraum Wissenschaft und Kunst", conceptualized by the doctoral candidates of the Doktoratskollegs, "The Arts and their Public Impact: Concepts - Transfer- Resonance".

Art and Design - Religions - 23.03.2017
The First
The First "Alumni Lecture" with Ambassador Launsky-Tieffenthal

Art and Design - History / Archeology - 19.12.2016
DJ Hannes Bruniic at the Uni Ball
DJ Hannes Bruniic at the Uni Ball

Art and Design - 19.12.2016
Taxitänzer at the Uniball
Taxitänzer at the Uniball
Greatly popular, the Taxitänzer will be a point of focus at this year's Paris Lodron Ball; with dance music in four rooms, they will be on the stage on Saturday, 21 January! Mit DJ Hannes Bruniic, li

Art and Design - Event - 03.11.2016
17 January: W & K-FORUM: Music and Power. Russia
17 January: W & K-FORUM: Music and Power. Russia

Art and Design - Economics - 09.09.2016
This unusual Exhibition is about Tradition in Globalization and will last from September 14th until September 19th.

Architecture - Art and Design - 08.06.2016
Living in the Wall
Living in the Wall

Event - Art and Design - 06.06.2016
10 June: Alumni Festival in the Großen Universitätsaula
10 June: Alumni Festival in the Großen Universitätsaula

Social Sciences - Art and Design - 12.05.2016
Film Presentation: The Survival of Ruth Klüger
Film Presentation: The Survival of Ruth Klüger
A portrait of the Holocaust survivor, Ruth Klüger, by Renata Schmidtkunz on 13 May, 2016, at 19:30 in DAS KINO.

Art and Design - 26.01.2016
Marko M. Feingold - A Portrait
Marko M. Feingold - A Portrait

Linguistics / Literature - Art and Design - 24.01.2016
27 January: Reading with Ilija Trojanow
27 January: Reading with Ilija Trojanow
On 27 January at 19:30 at the Unipark Nonntal: Reading »Power and Resistance« by Ilija Trojanow. Mittwoch, 27.

Art and Design - Life Sciences - 17.02.2015
Even animals compose
Music is found in all human cultures and thus appears to be part of our biology and not simply a cultural phenomenon.

Art and Design - History / Archeology - 25.03.2014
27.3.: Ringvorlesung "Jazz - the Classical Music of Globalization"
"Learning to listen, listening to learn" - unter diesem Thema bietet Prof. Reinhold Wagnleitner, FB Geschichte, eine öffentlich zugängliche Ringvorlesung an.

Art and Design - 31.10.2013
AAAS Conference 2013 "American Utopias"

Art and Design - 31.10.2013
AAAS Conference 2013 "American Utopias", November 8-10, 2013, Schloss Leopoldskron, Salzburg