28 March: Book Presentation with Walter Thaler

©Walter Thaler
©Walter Thaler

Pinzgauer! Heroes - Fools - Pioneers / Portraits from the Province

Pinzgauer! Helden - Narren - Pioniere
Portraits aus der Provinz

Die Pinzgauer sind ein besonderes Volk.
Wer geglaubt, er wisse bereits alles über den südlichen Salzburger Bezirk und seine BewohnerInnen, der ist bei der Buchpräsentation von Walter Thalers neuestem Werk mit Lokalkolorit eines Besseren belehrt worden. Viel Neues, Amüsantes, Irrwitziges, Berührendes, Visionäres, aber auch Abstoßendes und ‘Mörderisches’ wurde den BesucherInnen in der Universitätsbibliothek Salzburg geboten.

Successful research combined with excellent training requires not only clever and creative minds, but also the most modern infrastructure. For the natural sciences and engineering disciplines of the Department of Chemistry and Physics of Materials, the University of Salzburg now has a new research and teaching facility in the Itzling district, which offers the best conditions for both research and student training.

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The PLUS Green Campus Summer School goes the next round. From 17 to 21 July, 2017, students of the University of Salzburg will have the opportunity, together with Salzburg AG, to work on scientifically substantiated, practical concepts for answering important future questions.

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On Monday, 3 April, Michael F. Köck will hold a lecture on "Transcendence - Danger and Chance of a Crisis". The public interfaculty lecture will take place in HS Anna Bahr-Mildenburg, Unipark Nonntal, from 19:00 to 20:30.

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In the spring of 2017, the publication of Christian Doppler’s essay ‘Vom farbigen Licht der Doppelsterne’ will be published for the 175th time. The first time, he laid down the foundations of his theory, which would be characterized in modern physics as the Doppler Effect. The well-known Austrian physicist, Anton Zeilinger describes the Doppler Effect as a "millennium effect". When: Mondays. Time: 17:15 - 18:45. Where: Haus der Gesellschaftswi

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The question of Theological Theology is discussed in four blocks, from 2:30 to 18:00 in HS 103 of the Catholic Theological Faculty (Universitätsplatz 1, Salzburg, 3 OG). Next event: Tues., 4 April, 2017.

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W & K Forum. Tuesday, 4 April, 2017, 19:00 - 20:30, DAS KINO, Gewölbe, Giselakai 11, Salzburg. Filmscreening and conversation with the artist Oliver Ressler. Interviewer: Karolina Radenkovi’, Galerie 5020. Controversies with migration and flight play a central role in contemporary artistic positions, including the work of the Austrian artist and filmmaker Oliver Ressler.

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"Welcome and Farewell" - Carlos Peter Reinelt risked a lot with his literary debut, for which he was awarded the "Förderpreis" at the Rauriser Literaturtagen 2016.

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On 5 April, 2017, Prof. Christian Neuhäuser (TU Dortmund) will give a public lecture on "Anhaltende Armut und die Grenzen des Wohlfahrtsstaates" at the Center for Ethics and Poverty Research.

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The starting point of the guest lecture is a simple statement and a complex question: the Philosophical Society in Salzburg in cooperation with the Salzburg Working Group for Psychoanalysis (SAP)

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Public lecture series from the Department of Science and Art in the Unipark Nonntal, on Wednesdays from 18:00 to 19:30, with lecturers from different disciplines - www.w-k.sbg.ac.at/kunstp­olemik-pol­emikkunst/­aktuelles. Next date: 5 April: Astrid Fellner (Saarbrücken) on "Das Unbehagen des Feminismus".

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The University Chamber Choir Collegium Musicum Salzburg invites you to the Passion Concert in the Parish Church of Itzling on Friday, 7 April, 19:30.

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On 10 April, 2017, Daniel Hebenstreit will hold a guest lecture on "The modern single life: stochastic modeling of individual cells and molecules" in the Grünen Hörsaal (403) of the NW Faculty at 16:00. The Department of Molecular Biology invites you to join us!

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On 22 and 23 April, from 9:30 to 16:00 at the Botanical Gardens of the Uni Salzburg - The diversity comes to you! "Sweet Chocolate" Peppers, ‘Date Wine’ Tomatoes or ‘Bernary’s Blaukönigin’ Melanzani are rarities from the ARCHE NOAH varietal archive with which you can also create a diverse vegetable paradise on the balcony or in the garden.

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An invitation to the Colloquium on Educational Science with Hermann Astleitner on "Die Entwicklung von Beziehungskompetenz - Validierung eines Instrumentes zur Messung sozialer Problemlösefähigkeit".

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Symposium. Wednesday, 17 May, 2017, 14:00 - 19:30, W & K Atelier. Organization & Moderation: Siglinde Lang / Sandra Chatterjee. To be able to participate actively in shaping one’s own life is regarded as a fundamental right of civil society and includes the right to cultural participation. But is this participation made use of and fully utilized?

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04.04.17 Theologizität - ein Problem der Theologie? Wissenschaftstheoretische und erkenntnistheologische Überlegungen

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04.04.17 Theologie wird theologisch über das, was sie nicht ist. Gottes Konstitutionsgrößen der loci alieni

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