26 January: Science Slam in the ARGEkultur


Science and research made understandable in six minutes with creative help aids and performers but no projector, as in the courses.

,,wink"-Emoticon Karten gibt es hier: https://www.argekultur.at/Even­t/12953/sc­ience-slam

Science and research made understandable in six minutes with creative help aids and performers but no projector, as in the courses.

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On 26 January, 2016, from 8:30 to 16:00, Unipark Nonntal, the hearings for "University Chair for Human Development" will be held.

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Originally used for positioning, GPS devices are now also used to measure distances traveled - for instance, the GPS tracking of athletes or fleet management. However, mathematically explainable error influences distance measurements with GPS devices.

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For the second time, Salzburg biologist, Sabine Agatha, is now the namesake of a new "Wimpertierchenart (ciliate)" named Antestrombidium Agathae. Salzburg, along with China and Korea, is an international hotspot of ciliates research.

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The University of Salzburg warmly congratulates those who celebrate their graduations and completion of doctoral theses on 20 January, 2016.

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26 January: Wolfgang Kubin: "The Ancient Chinese Philosophy and Its Relevance for Today’s Central Europe"

It is not yet well known that Chinese thinkers of ancient times often touched on themes that are described in present German philosophy.

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Book Presentation on 28 January: " Kunst und Literatur im Pinzgau. Die Kraft der Provinz." - 43 portraits in the Bibliotheksaula.

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Wolfgang Kubin: ,,Die antike chinesische Philosophie und ihre Aktualität für das heutige Mitteleuropa"

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Einladung zur Restitution von Grafiken an die Erzabtei Stift St. Peter

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