Graduates provide tips for the successful implementation of their business ideas for students in the Salzburger Nachrichten career forum. A linguist who is the founder of the publishing house and a DJ, as well as two computer scientists whose startups have become successful companies, tell what is important in the realization of a good idea.
Alina Legoydo, Absolventin der European Union Studies, berichtet, welche Hilfestellungen das Gründerservice ,,Startup Salzburg" dabei leistet. ,,Gründerteams brauchen oft ganz heterogene Kompetenzen. Interdisziplinarität ist ein Vorteil, das ist also auch ein Thema für die Geisteswissenschaften", weiß sie. Alumni Club und Hochschülerschaft Salzburg laden herzlich zu dieser Gesprächsrunde ein: 8.alumniFORUM, Dienstag, 24. Oktober, 14.30 Uhr, Salzburg Congress. Das Gebäude befindet sich rechts vom Schloss Mirabell.
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11. Karriereforum
Graduates provide tips for the successful implementation of their business ideas for students in the Salzburger Nachrichten career forum. A linguist who is the founder of the publishing house and a DJ, as well as two computer scientists whose startups have become successful companies, tell what is important in the realization of a good idea.Mehr erfahren
Archaeologists discovered the ancient bronze figure from the second century after Christ in the late summer during excavations in the industrial area of Neumarkt-Pfongau.Mehr erfahren
On Friday, 27 October, 2017, two identical workshops on the prevention of religious radicalization ("Religiöse Radikalisierungsprävention") will take place in HS 103 of the Catholic Theological Faculty of the University of Salzburg (Universitätsplatz 1, Salzburg, 3rd floor). The Workshop I will take place from 10:00 - 12:30; Workshop II from 13:30 - 16:00.Mehr erfahren
Engel und Dämonen im rabbinischen Denken und in der jüdischen Magie, Dr. Bill Rebiger (Hamburg). Next lecture: Thursday, 19 October, 2017, 17:15, HS E.001 (Unipark).Mehr erfahren
On 11 October, 2017, the University of Salzburg warmly congratulated graduates who celebrated their graduations and/or completion of doctoral theses.Mehr erfahren
The university course, "Kuratieren in den szenischen Künsten" is being offered for the second time in 2018 at the University of Salzburg. The course introduces the foundations of curating in theater, dance and music theater.Mehr erfahren
Rudolf Mosler, Labor and Social Law expert at the University of Salzburg, talks about the topic "Schöne neue Arbeitswelt. Wie reagiert das Arbeitsrecht auf die Arbeit 4.0?"Mehr erfahren
The Russlandzentrum of the University of Salzburg, together with partners has organized a series of events "Schwerpunkt Russland 1917" from 18 October until 23 November, 2017.Mehr erfahren
24 October: The Balfour Declaration and the Russian Revolution: Towards the Simultaneity of Contradictory Jewish Emancipation Perspectives in Central / Eastern Europe
Jan Rybak, MA (European University Institute, Florence) Tuesday, 24 October, 2017, 18:00, HS 380 (GesWi, Rudolfskai 42)Mehr erfahren
In the minimum time of four semesters, six students of the University of Salzburg successfully completed the course of studies Bewegtes Lernen.Mehr erfahren
Since 1979, a congress of the European Society for Herpetology (Societas Europaea Herpetologica) has been held every two years. This year, for the second time in Austria and for the first time in Salzburg, the Congress took place 18 - 23 September, 2017.Mehr erfahren
More than 360 exchange students from 57 countries took up their studies at the University of Salzburg at the beginning of the winter term 2017/18. Karin Dollinger and Vice Rector Sylvia Hahn welcomed them in the "Wissensstadt Salzburg". The evening was accompanied by singing students of the University Mozarteum.Mehr erfahren
In a half-day expert conference on the topic of "Trends in ESG & CSR - 17 Sustainable Development Goals", specialists and strategists from various branches and sectors will come together to present the topic of sustainability inter-disciplinarily and practically. Organizers of the conference are Univ.-Prof. Claudia B. Wöhle, Department of Social and Economic Sciences, and CSSP (Center for Social and Sustainable Products AG).Mehr erfahren
The seminar facilitator is Sandra Chatterjee. Organization: gendup - Center for Gender Studies and Promotion of Women at the University of Salzburg.Mehr erfahren
"Geisterstunde" / 19:00 lectury by Didi Neidhart (pop theorist, author, musician, DJ), subsequent discourse with discussion and music in the Kunstquartier (W & K Atelier, Bergstrasse 12a, 1. OG) erfahren
Christina von Braun, cultural theorist, author and filmmaker, will be holding a guest lecture at the Unipark Nonntal (Erzabt-Klotz-Str. 1, HS E.004 Anna Bahr-Mildenburg) on 25 October. erfahren