18 - 23 September: European Herpetologists’ Congress 2017

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Every two years, researchers and conservationists from the field of Amphibian and Reptile conservation (Herpetology) meet to present new insights, to discuss measures, and to exchange ideas.

Die diesjährige Tagung an der Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Salzburg umfasst vier Tage (Dienstag bis Freitag) mit vier eingeladenen Plenarrednerinnen und -rednern, 129 weitere Vorträge und 87 Poster. Über 200 Personen aus 37 Ländern und von allen fünf Kontinenten haben sich angemeldet.

Für die Allgemeinheit wichtige Themen sind etwa am Donnerstag Nachmittag das Symposion zur Bedrohung der heimischen Salamander durch den Pilz Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans, oder artenund lebensraumschutzfachliche Themen am Freitag.

Das Abstract Book, das Programm und weitere Informationen finden sich unter http://www.uni-salzbur­g.at/ecoev­o/seh2017.

Every two years, researchers and conservationists from the field of Amphibian and Reptile conservation (Herpetology) meet to present new insights, to discuss measures, and to exchange ideas.

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The Center for Jewish Cultural History at the University of Salzburg offers a public lecture series during the winter semester 2017/18, Thursdays 17:00-19:00, HS E.001 (Unipark). The opening lecture on 5 October will be given by Susanne Plietzsch and Armin Eidherr.

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The kick-off of the new career program "Karriere_Mentoring III" of the Universities of Salzburg, Linz and Krems, which took place on 13 September in Gmunden, went extremely well. In addition to qualified young scientists from the three universities, high-caliber mentors from Germany and abroad took part in the event.

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The fourth "Erwin Kräutler Prize for Contextual Theology and Interreligious Dialogue" will be presented to Dr. Sebastian Pittl and Stefan Silver on 3 October, 2017, in HS 101 of the Catholic Theological Faculty (Universitätsplatz 1, Salzburg).

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For a long time, a democratic society was considered self-evident. But globalization, economic crises, populist movements, social tensions and (inter-) cultural conflicts, as well as extremists, question them.

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Important dates and information about registration for courses at the Sprachenzentrum (Language Center), Winter Term 2017/18.

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The opening of the exhibition "Acrylic Painting - Etchings - Mixing Techniques o Elisabeth Jungwirth" will take place on Thursday, 28 September in the Bibliotheksaula of the University Library.

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The Faculty of Education has organized the Summer School, "Bildung des Subjekts", at the Unipark Nonntal. Lecturers are, among others, Winfried Böhm, General Pedagogy, University of Würzburg, and Michael Winkler, General Pedagogy and Theory of Social Pedagogy, University of Jena.

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The Fund for the Promotion of Scientific Research (FWF) has approved the research project "Prices and Wages in Salzburg and Vienna, 1450 to 1850". The project is under the direction of Professor Reinhold Reith, University of Salzburg, and Professor Thomas Ertl, University of Vienna.

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Orientation for first time University of Salzburg students will be held from 26 to 28 September in the Große Universitätsaula.

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21 - 22 September: "Religion and Poverty". This symposium addresses the ambivalent role of religion in the fight against poverty.

From 21 to 22 September 2017, the Center for Ethics and Poverty Research at the University of Salzburg is organizing an international symposium on poverty research in which 70 scholars from all over the world will be focusing on the topic of religion and poverty, which has so far hardly been discussed.

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The Orientation Week for Erasmus and Exchange Students who will attend the University of Salzburg in the winter semester 2017/2018 will take place from Monday, 18 September to Friday, 22 September, 2017.

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