


Results 1 - 6 of 6.

Microtechnics - 06.05.2024
Through the Eyes of a Robot
Through the Eyes of a Robot
Safely entering potentially unsafe areas with a robot from a distance using VR goggles. Eduardo Veas is making this possible at the Institute of Interactive Systems and Data Science at TU Graz.

Microtechnics - Research Management - 05.05.2023
Smart Artificial Skin in Application Check Stage: TU Graz Researcher Wins ERC Proof of Concept Grant
Smart Artificial Skin in Application Check Stage: TU Graz Researcher Wins ERC Proof of Concept Grant
By Barbara Gigler The smart skin developed by Anna Coclite has many potential applications. With an ERC Proof of Concept Grant, the researcher is exploring its practical applications. Just a few months ago, Anna Maria Coclite and her team from the Institute of Solid State Physics at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) presented the results of their research as part of Coclite's ERC Starting Grant project "SmartCore" .

Life Sciences - Microtechnics - 23.03.2023
Honeycomb for winter protection
Honeycomb for winter protection
Smart heating saves bees from cold death Up to a third of bee colonies worldwide die over the winter, often due to excessively low temperatures. In cooperation with the Swiss École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), the team of the Artificial Life Lab at the University of Graz has developed a high-tech honeycomb that can monitor the animals during the cold season and regulate the heat supply in the hive.

Microtechnics - Environment - 14.02.2022
TU Graz Researchers on Disaster Relief Mission
By Birgit Baustädter Forest fires, floods, falling rocks and other natural disasters are increasingly causing damage to built structures and, in the worst case, to people. TU Graz researchers are trying to help. Whether by means of rescue robots, autonomous drones or in securing structures, TU Graz researchers are involved in emergency management and disaster relief in a variety of ways.

Innovation - Microtechnics - 22.02.2019
Coebro: 3D-Printers Learn to Build Houses
Coebro: 3D-Printers Learn to Build Houses
Many things today can be produced simply, fast and cheaply using a 3D printer: jewelry, small components and even prototypes. Printing complete houses is still a long way off. For the moment, at least. But work is being done at TU Graz on additive manufacturing of concrete parts using printing robots.

Microtechnics - Computer Science - 13.08.2018
Robots as 'pump attendants': TU Graz develops robot-controlled rapid charging system for e-vehicles
Robots as ’pump attendants’: TU Graz develops robot-controlled rapid charging system for e-vehicles
Researchers from TU Graz and their industry partners have unveiled a world first: the prototype of a robot-controlled, high-speed combined charging system (CCS) for electric vehicles. that enables series charging of cars in various parking positions. Pictures available for download at the end of the message.