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Veterinary - Life Sciences - 04.10.2023
Cats purr differently than previously thought
The cat larynx can produce purring sounds without cyclical neural input A recent investigation led by voice scientist Christian T. Herbst from the University of Vienna, published in Current Biology, delivers novel insights into how cats produce their purring sounds. A special 'pad' embedded in the vocal folds might explain why the cats can produce these low-frequency sounds.
Veterinary - Life Sciences - 27.06.2023
Like human, like dog
Dogs and humans process body postures similarly in their brains A study by researchers at the University of Vienna and the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna shows that information from body postures plays a similarly important role for dogs as it does for humans. The results offer new insights into how dogs and humans perceive each other and their environment.
Veterinary - 20.08.2019
Sleeping unsafely tucked in to conserve energy in nocturnal migratory songbirds
Sleeping with the head tucked in the back feathers is a common behavior exhibited by most species of birds. In a recent study, scientist from the Vetmeduni Vienna and the University of Vienna found, that the hiding of the head during sleep reduces heat loss and conserves energy reserves. However sleeping with the head tucked is risky for the birds.
Life Sciences - Veterinary - 06.09.2017
Getting hook bending off the hook
The bending of a hook into wire to fish for the handle of a basket by the crow Betty 15 years ago stunned the scientific world. However, the finding was recently relegated as similar behavioural routines were discovered in the natural repertoire of the same species, suggesting the possibility that Betty's tool manufacture was less intelligent than previously believed.