


Results 1 - 15 of 15.

Microtechnics - Transport - 26.08.2024
Open the Flap and Recharge
Open the Flap and Recharge
The charging process for electric cars is currently still an obstacle to their widespread use. An autonomous charging robot aims to make it easier, faster and more convenient. TU Graz has been carrying out research on autonomous robots that can independently "refuel" electrically powered vehicles for several years now.

Transport - 22.11.2022
New test facility: How cold can fuel for diesel engines get?
New test facility: How cold can fuel for diesel engines get?
In extreme cold, fuels can no longer be used - but how do you measure the possible minimum temperature? A test facility has now been developed for this purpose at the Vienna University of Technology . When it gets too cold, the car won't start. Certain components of fuels can precipitate at low temperatures, the fuel becomes cloudy and can no longer be used.

Transport - Environment - 04.11.2021
Autonomous Driving: Styrian Development Saves Millions in Test Kilometres
Autonomous Driving: Styrian Development Saves Millions in Test Kilometres
By Christoph Pelzl TU Graz, JOANNEUM RESEARCH, AVL and Fraunhofer Austria have developed a method to validate test drives through highly realistic driving simulation studies and to substantially simplify the approval process for automated driving systems. Further images for download at the end of the text Driving simulator tests are popular - for understandable reasons: any scenario can be simulated at the touch of a button.

Transport - Materials Science - 07.10.2021
Fire Tests Show that Austria's Tunnels are Fit for Electric Cars
Fire Tests Show that Austria’s Tunnels are Fit for Electric Cars
By Susanne Filzwieser TU Graz, the University of Leoben, the Austrian Fire Brigade Association and ILF Consulting Engineers have investigated the effects of e-vehicle fires in tunnel systems. The results are reassuring for passenger cars, but not for commercial vehicles. For the latter, as well as for fires in multistorey car parks, further investigations are urgently needed.

Transport - 14.05.2021
Brakes as Emitters of Particulate Matter
Brakes as Emitters of Particulate Matter
By Susanne Eigner "We have a problem and nobody knows how big it is," says TU Graz researcher Peter Fischer. But one thing is certain: brakes cause more particulate matter (PM) emissions than internal combustion engines via their exhaust gases. Nevertheless, there is a shortage of basic knowledge and legal regulations.

Materials Science - Transport - 03.05.2021
Electric Vehicle Batteries: The older they get, the safer they are
Electric Vehicle Batteries: The older they get, the safer they are
Studies at TU Graz show that the older an traction battery of electric vehicles (EV) is, the lower the danger it poses. Now the researchers and industry partners want to define parameters for the subsequent use of discarded batteries. As part of the project "SafeBattery", a team from Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) has been investigating the behaviour of lithium-based batteries in electric cars under crash loads for the past four years.

Materials Science - Transport - 03.05.2021
Electric Vehicle Batteries: The older they get, the safer they are
Electric Vehicle Batteries: The older they get, the safer they are
By Christoph Pelzl Studies at TU Graz show that the older an traction battery of electric vehicles (EV) is, the lower the danger it poses. Now the researchers and industry partners want to define parameters for the subsequent use of discarded batteries. As part of the project "SafeBattery", a team from Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) has been investigating the behaviour of lithium-based batteries in electric cars under crash loads for the past four years.

Computer Science - Transport - 23.07.2020
Software of autonomous driving systems: TU Graz develops methods for the generation of simulation scenarios
Software of autonomous driving systems: TU Graz develops methods for the generation of simulation scenarios
By Susanne Eigner Researchers at TU Graz and AVL focus on software systems of autonomous driving systems. They developed a method for generating safety-critical simulation scenarios and an adaptive control procedure for compensating for internal errors. Additional can be found at the end of the message The future has already arrived.

Computer Science - Transport - 30.03.2020
Invenium - from spin-off to market leader in mobility management
Invenium - from spin-off to market leader in mobility management
By Christoph Pelzl The data analyses of Invenium, a spin-off of Graz University of Technology and the Graz Know Center, help companies to better understand the mobility behaviour of people - and not only in times of the corona crisis. There is an enormous amount of scientific potential in anonymized mobile phone data - as Invenium co-founder Michael Cik recognised as early as 2013.

Environment - Transport - 21.01.2020
New exhaust gas measurement registers ultrafine pollutant particles for the first time
New exhaust gas measurement registers ultrafine pollutant particles for the first time
By Christoph Pelzl Together with international partners, researchers at Graz University of Technology have developed a measurement method that measures particles below 10 nanometres for the first time and will contribute to the implementation of future, stricter emission standards. Additional at the end of the text A few days ago, the European Commission presented its Green Deal, which aims to make the EU climate neutral by 2050 in order to protect the environment and improve people's health and quality of life.

Transport - Environment - 13.08.2019
Vehicle Emissions: New sensor technology to improve air quality in cities
Vehicle Emissions: New sensor technology to improve air quality in cities
By Christoph Pelzl Researchers at TU Graz are working together with European partners on new possibilities of measuring vehicle emissions. Today, air pollution is one of the biggest challenges facing European cities. As part of the Horizon 2020 research project CARES (City Air Remote Emission Sensing), an international research consortium is working on new contactless exhaust measurement methods that will enable municipalities to take emission-reducing measures.

Transport - 08.05.2019
TU Graz study shows: Driving-simulator training reduces accidents with motorcycles
TU Graz study shows: Driving-simulator training reduces accidents with motorcycles
By Christoph Pelzl TU Graz researchers develop driving-simulator courses for driving schools which can reduce collision risk between motorcycles and cars. Additional at the end of the text There are 4233 accidents involving motorcycles in Austria each year. In more than half the cases other vehicles are involved.

Transport - Computer Science - 03.07.2017
Staying on the Right Path
Staying on the Right Path
By Birgit Baustädter Cooperative, autonomous driving on the motorway is the main topic of a joint project between TU Graz and the "Virtual Vehicle" competence centre. Embedded in the Campus Inffeldgasse, researchers are collaborating on developing control algorithms which calculate the right path and the right speed for selfdriving vehicles.

Chemistry - Transport - 31.05.2017
Nitrogen Oxides Emissions: Traffic Dramatically Underestimated as Major Polluter
Nitrogen Oxides Emissions: Traffic Dramatically Underestimated as Major Polluter
Traffic contributes more to nitrogen oxide emissions in Europe than previously thought. This is the result of a current study carried out by scientists from the University of Innsbruck. The research team headed by Thomas Karl shows that even newer air quality models underestimate traffic related nitrogen oxide pollution by up to a factor of 4.

Materials Science - Transport - 28.04.2017
When electric vehicles crash, what happens to the battery?
When electric vehicles crash, what happens to the battery?
How EV batteries behave in detail during crash loads and what influence the previous life of the battery has on its safety is being investigated by TU Graz and partners in the K-project "SafeBattery". Further photographic material available at the end of this text. Safety, range and costs: these are the three big premises of electromobility.