Computer Science
Results 41 - 60 of 112.
Physics - Computer Science - 24.03.2022

Quantum memristor as missing link between artificial intelligence and quantum computing In recent years, artificial intelligence has become ubiquitous, with applications such as speech interpretation, image recognition, medical diagnosis, and many more. At the same time, quantum technology has been proven capable of computational power well beyond the reach of even the world's largest supercomputer.
Computer Science - Environment - 23.02.2022

By Christoph Pelzl Researchers at TU Graz have modelled an AI system for automotive radar sensors that filters out interfering signals caused by other radar sensors and dramatically improves object detection. Now the system is to be made more robust to weather and environmental influences as well as new types of interference.
Computer Science - 25.01.2022

By Yannic Maus Many of today's and tomorrow's computer systems distribute data to several machines, or the systems are built on top of large-scale networks, such as the internet or sensor networks. Our research builds the theoretical foundations for these settings. We analyse and develop distributed algorithms that are fast and communication efficient.
Physics - Computer Science - 02.09.2021

Quantum computers become ever more powerful, but how can we be sure that the answers they return are accurate? A team of physicists from Vienna, Innsbruck, Oxford, and Singapore solves this problem by letting quantum computers check each other. Quantum computers are advancing at a rapid pace and are already starting to push the limits of the world's largest supercomputers.
Health - Computer Science - 17.06.2021

By Birgit Baustädter Aortic dissection is a life-threatening tear in the aortic wall. At present, little is known about the causes. Researchers at TU Graz have now developed algorithms and models designed to support early-stage diagnosis and treatment. at the end of the message. In most cases, aortic dissection is the result of a tear in the inner layer of the aortic wall, the intima.
Life Sciences - Computer Science - 10.05.2021

How do simple creatures manage to move to a specific place? Artificial intelligence and a physical model from TU Wien can now explain this. How is it possible to move in the desired direction without a brain or nervous system? Single-celled organisms apparently manage this feat without any problems: for example, they can swim towards food with the help of small flagellar tails.
Computer Science - 20.04.2021

By Christoph Pelzl With an eye on future mobile communications standards, a European consortium is working on the next generation of antennas for wireless networks. Austria is clearly represented with NXP, Technikon and TU Graz. In Europe, all eyes are currently on the 5G roll-out - yet a European consortium consisting of leading companies and research institutions in the field of mobile communications and communications engineering is working on the technical feasibility of 6G.
Computer Science - Physics - 11.03.2021

Artificial intelligence is part of our modern life by enabling machines to learn useful processes such as speech recognition and digital personal assistants. A crucial question for practical applications is how fast such intelligent machines can learn. An experiment at the University of Vienna has answered this question, showing that quantum technology enables a speed-up in the learning process.
Computer Science - Life Sciences - 11.03.2021

By Christoph Pelzl Researchers at TU Graz demonstrate a new design method for particularly energy-saving artificial neural networks that get by with extremely few signals and - similar to Morse code - also assign meaning to the pauses between the signals. Most new achievements in artificial intelligence (AI) require very large neural networks.
Physics - Computer Science - 17.02.2021

Quantum technologies for computers open up new concepts of preserving the privacy of input and output data of a computation. Scientists from the University of Vienna, the Singapore University of Technology and Design and the Polytechnic University of Milan have shown that optical quantum systems are not only particularly suitable for some quantum computations, but can also effectively encrypt the associated input and output data.
Health - Computer Science - 22.01.2021

By Christoph Pelzl Using mathematical image processing, scientists at the BioTechMed-Graz research cooperation have found a way to create digital twins from human hearts. The method opens up completely new possibilities in clinical diagnostics. Additional Images for download at the end of the text [Update of the article on February 8, 2022] Although treatment options are constantly improving, cardiovascular diseases are still one of the most frequent causes of death in Europe.
Health - Computer Science - 22.01.2021

Using mathematical image processing, scientists at the BioTechMed-Graz research cooperation have found a way to create digital twins from human hearts. The method opens up completely new possibilities in clinical diagnostics. Additional Images for download at the end of the text [Update of the article on February 8, 2022] Although treatment options are constantly improving, cardiovascular diseases are still one of the most frequent causes of death in Europe.
Computer Science - Innovation - 06.12.2020

By Cornelia Kröpfl BA MA When cars drive autonomously, technical faults can be fatal. Can we trust technology? Researchers at Graz University of Technology are working on calculating and ultimately proving this dependability. 75 billion everyday objects - from the smart watch and the self-driven car to entire production plants in Industry 4.0 - are to be joined up by 2025.
Computer Science - Mathematics - 05.12.2020

By Cornelia Kröpfl BA MA 30 years ago, data security was a niche topic. Today, researchers at TU Graz are laying the foundations for a completely new way of thinking about security. Including future developments. Not so long ago, the mobile phone was primarily used to store contact data. Today, smartphones know where we are and what media we read.
Computer Science - Innovation - 17.11.2020

By Barbara Gigler SGS and TU Graz announce the opening of Lamarr Security Research, a non-profit research center focusing on information security and establishing trust in digital systems and products. This new research environment is open for partner sponsors to work together, and to make the world a safer place.
Computer Science - 10.11.2020

By Christoph Pelzl An international team of security researchers from TU Graz, CISPA and University of Birmingham is presenting new side-channel attacks, which use fluctuations in software power consumption to access sensitive data on Intel CPUs. Power side-channel attacks are attacks that exploit fluctuations in power consumption to extract sensitive data such as cryptographic keys.
Computer Science - 28.10.2020

By Christoph Pelzl TU Graz algorithm-based method provides a basis for decisions on the correct amount of tamping measures on tracks, thus reducing their life-cycle costs by up to 20 per cent. Train journeys should be safe and comfortable, and track systems are crucial to this. So-called "tamping" (positioning, compacting and stabilizing) of the ballast in the track bed is one of the most important maintenance tasks in the railway industry.
Life Sciences - Computer Science - 14.10.2020

Artificial intelligence (AI) can become more efficient and reliable if it is made to mimic biological models. New approaches in AI research are hugely successful in experiments. Artificial intelligence has arrived in our everyday lives-from search engines to self-driving cars. This has to do with the enormous computing power that has become available in recent years.
Computer Science - Physics - 12.10.2020

A human research team and a machine learning algorithm have found that we need to rethink much of what we know about iridium oxide.
Computer Science - Transport - 23.07.2020

By Susanne Eigner Researchers at TU Graz and AVL focus on software systems of autonomous driving systems. They developed a method for generating safety-critical simulation scenarios and an adaptive control procedure for compensating for internal errors. Additional can be found at the end of the message The future has already arrived.