

Computer Science

Results 101 - 112 of 112.

Computer Science - History / Archeology - 30.05.2016
From mobile phone photo to virtual reality
From mobile phone photo to virtual reality
Completely ordinary photos are being transformed into clean, high-resolution 3D worlds thanks to algorithms from TU Wien.

Physics - Computer Science - 23.10.2015
Upgrading the quantum computer 25.09.2015 Simulation of Chiral Edge States in a Quantum System
Upgrading the quantum computer 25.09.2015 Simulation of Chiral Edge States in a Quantum System
Theoretical physicists in Innsbruck have proposed a scalable quantum computer architecture. The new model, developed by Wolfgang Lechner, Philipp Hauke and Peter Zoller, overcomes fundamental limitations of programmability in current approaches that aim at solving real-world general optimization problems by exploiting quantum mechanics.

Physics - Computer Science - 15.01.2015
Improved interface for a quantum internet
A quantum network requires efficient interfaces over which information can be transferred from matter to light and back. In the current issue of Physical Review Letters, Innsbruck physicists led by Rainer Blatt and Tracy Northup show how this information transfer can be optimized by taking advantage of a collective quantum phenomenon.

Computer Science - 25.09.2014
Safe Cloud Computing is no Pie in the Sky
The integration of digital expert knowledge and automation of risk analyses can greatly improve software test procedures and make cloud computing more secure. This is shown by the latest results of a project of the University of Innsbruck, funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF, on the quality assurance of security critical systems which have recently been published.

Life Sciences - Computer Science - 12.08.2014
Computer simulations visualize ion flux
Computer simulations visualize ion flux
Ion channels are involved in many physiological and pathophysiological processes throughout the human body. A young team of researchers led by pharmacologist Anna Stary-Weinzinger from the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Vienna investigated how ion flux through a voltage gated sodium ion channel works in detail.

Physics - Computer Science - 10.07.2014
New Paths into the World of Quasiparticles
Quasiparticles can be used to explain physical phenomena in solid bodies even though they are not actual physical particles. Physicists in Innsbruck have now realized quasiparticles in a quantum system and observed quantum mechanical entanglement propagation in a many-body system.

Mathematics - Computer Science - 23.06.2014
This Sentence is Wrong
The great Viennese logician Kurt Gödel studied statements which refer to themselves - and his results shook the foundations of mathematics. "All Cretans are liars", said Epimenides, a Cretan. But this means that his statement must be a lie too. But then it is false that Cretans are liars and the statement must be true.

Computer Science - Health - 02.06.2014
Your Computer is Stupid
The field of artificial intelligence is progressing. TU Vienna is a major center of this line of research. Several conferences on this topic will be held during the "Vienna Summer of Logic". The ball does not fit into the suitcase, because it is too small. What is too small? The ball or the suitcase? For humans the answer is evident, but computers still cannot handle such simple questions.

Physics - Computer Science - 03.10.2013
On the Horizon: A Quantum Internet
On the Horizon: A Quantum Internet
A team of scientists in Innsbruck, Austria, made an important step toward distributed quantum computing with cavities linking remote atom-based registers. They demonstrated precise control of the coupling of each of two trapped ions to the mode of an optical resonator. A key goal in quantum computing is the demonstration of a quantum network, that is, a framework for distribution and remote processing of quantum information.

Physics - Computer Science - 14.06.2013
Introducing Quantum Physics in a Refrigerator
Introducing Quantum Physics in a Refrigerator
The quantum physicists in Innsbruck welcome an addition to their team: Gerhard Kirchmair - a young aspiring physicist who brings a new technology to the Tyrol. The young scientist will investigate quantum mechanical phenomena by using superconducting circuits to build hybrid architectures for quantum information processing.

Physics - Computer Science - 04.02.2013
Into the quantum internet at the speed of light
Into the quantum internet at the speed of light
Not only do optical fibers transmit information every day around the world at the speed of light, but they can also be harnessed for the transport of quantum information. In the current , a research team of Innsbruck physicists led by Rainer Blatt and Tracy Northup report how they have directly transferred the quantum information stored in an atom onto a particle of light.

Physics - Computer Science - 23.02.2011
Nature: Two physics highlights
Atomic antennae transmit quantum information across a microchip The Austrian research group led by physicist Rainer Blatt suggests a fundamentally novel architecture for quantum computation. They have experimentally demonstrated quantum antennae, which enable the exchange of quantum information between two separate memory cells located on a computer chip.