

Computer Science

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Mathematics - Computer Science - 06.11.2024
Hard in Theory, Easy in Practice
Hard in Theory, Easy in Practice
ISTA researchers investigate why graph isomorphism algorithms seem to be so effective Graphs are everywhere. In discrete mathematics, they are structures that show the connections between points, much like a public transportation network. Mathematicians have long sought to develop algorithms that can compare any two graphs.

Astronomy / Space - Computer Science - 30.10.2024
Laser Measurements to Track Space Debris and Observe Water Masses
Laser Measurements to Track Space Debris and Observe Water Masses
More accurate orbit predictions for satellites and space debris as well as a better understanding of the water masses present on Earth: Researchers at TU Graz have achieved both using satellite laser ranging. What do the Earth's gravitational field and the trajectories of satellites and space debris have in common? The Earth's gravitational field influences the orbits of our companions in space, while the changes in the orbits in turn allow conclusions to be drawn about changes in the gravitational field and thus existing water masses.

Computer Science - 15.10.2024
New Vulnerability in AMD’s Virtual Machines
By evaluating the values of hardware performance counters, researchers are able to read sensitive data from SEV-SNP virtual machines. An international research team led by Graz University of Technology has discovered a new security vulnerability in AMD's SEV-SNP cloud computing solution. SEV-SNP was developed specifically to protect sensitive data from access by cloud providers and potential hackers.

Computer Science - Physics - 03.10.2024
Hardware architecture for post-quantum cryptography
Hardware architecture for post-quantum cryptography
Integrating post-quantum security algorithms into hardware was previously considered a challenge. A research team at Graz University of Technology has developed standardized hardware with additional security measures. They are not yet a reality, but in the not too distant future, sophisticated, powerful quantum computers will be available.

Computer Science - Innovation - 01.10.2024
Depth perception for drone shots
Depth perception for drone shots
Help in the search for missing persons: New JKU method enables three-dimensional perception of drone images in real time. This works even with strong occlusion and at long distances. Human visual depth perception, i.e. the ability to perceive objects at different distances, is essentially based on the fact that our eyes see slightly different images in terms of perspective.

Computer Science - Health - 25.09.2024
Better MRI Videos Thanks to New Machine Learning Method
Better MRI Videos Thanks to New Machine Learning Method
Using smartly trained neural networks, researchers at TU Graz have succeeded in generating precise real-time images of the beating heart from just a few MRI measurement data. Other MRI applications can also be accelerated using this procedure. Medical imaging using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is very time-consuming since an image has to be compiled from data from many individual measurements.

Chemistry - Computer Science - 20.08.2024
'Molecular Compass' points way to Reduction of Animal Testing
’Molecular Compass’ points way to Reduction of Animal Testing
Scientists Develop Smart Software Tool for Chemical Risk Evaluation In recent years, machine learning models have become increasingly popular for risk assessment of chemical compounds. However, they are often considered 'black boxes' due to their lack of transparency, leading to scepticism among toxicologists and regulatory authorities.

Computer Science - 31.07.2024
Researchers Speed Up Fault Localization During Software Development
Researchers Speed Up Fault Localization During Software Development
Finding and fixing errors in programme code still takes up a lot of developers' time. A team at TU Graz has now developed a solution that tackles the biggest time wasters. Modern software applications usually consist of numerous files and several million lines of code. Due to the sheer quantity, finding and correcting faults, known as debugging, is difficult.

Computer Science - Innovation - 24.07.2024
Artificial intelligence with guaranteed safety and fairness
Artificial intelligence with guaranteed safety and fairness
Many decisions are being made by neural networks. But are they rational and fair? Methods to ensure this are being developed at TU Wien. Many decisions that were previously made by humans will be left to machines in the future. But can we really rely on the decisions made by artificial intelligence? In sensitive areas, people would like a guarantee that the decision is actually sensible, or at least that certain serious errors have been ruled out.

Computer Science - Physics - 23.07.2024
Supercomputer and quantum computer in a duet
Supercomputer and quantum computer in a duet
Together, the University of Innsbruck and the spin-off AQT have integrated a quantum computer into a high-performance computing (HPC) environment for the first time in Austria. This hybrid of supercomputer and quantum computer enables the solution of complex tasks in chemistry, materials science or optimization and is already being tested by users in research and industry .

Computer Science - Physics - 21.05.2024
Programming quantum computers with the help of AI
Programming quantum computers with the help of AI
Researchers at the University of Innsbruck have presented a new method for planning computing operations on a quantum computer. A generative machine learning model is used to find a suitable sequence of quantum gates to execute a quantum operation. The study, which has now been published in the journal Nature Machine Intelligence , is an important step towards exploiting the full potential of quantum computers .

Computer Science - History / Archeology - 25.04.2024
Early Christian Altar Stone: Swarm Intelligence to Help with Reconstruction
Early Christian Altar Stone: Swarm Intelligence to Help with Reconstruction
Researchers from TU Graz and the University of Graz have digitised a broken altar stone from Lavant so that citizens can put it together on the internet. The aim is to achieve what generations of archaeologists have failed to do. The Bishop's church at Kirchbichl in Lavant in East Tyrol is one of the most important early Christian monuments in Austria.

Physics - Computer Science - 19.04.2024
Compact quantum light processing
Compact quantum light processing
An international collaboration of researchers, led by Philip Walther at University of Vienna, have achieved a significant breakthrough in quantum technology, with the successful demonstration of quantum interference among several single photons using a novel resource-efficient platform. The work published in the prestigious journal Science Advances represents a notable advancement in optical quantum computing that paves the way for more scalable quantum technologies.

Computer Science - 15.04.2024
Security Vulnerability in Browser Interface Allows Computer Access via Graphics Card
Security Vulnerability in Browser Interface Allows Computer Access via Graphics Card
Researchers at TU Graz were successful with three different side-channel attacks on graphics cards via the WebGPU browser interface. The attacks were fast enough to succeed during normal surfing behaviour. Modern websites place ever greater demands on the computing power of computers. For this reason, web browsers have also had access to the computing capacities of the graphics card (Graphics Processing Unit or GPU) in addition to the CPU of a computer for a number of years.

Computer Science - Innovation - 13.02.2024
Artificial Intelligence as a Tool in Science
Artificial Intelligence as a Tool in Science
ISTA researchers welcome AI use in science, but remain cautious From identifying complex morphologies in the brain to analyzing the properties of storm clouds, artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms are aiding several research projects employing deep learning and machine learning at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA).

Astronomy / Space - Computer Science - 21.12.2023
Research team monitors critical infrastructure using navigation satellites
Research team monitors critical infrastructure using navigation satellites
Researchers at Graz University of Technology have developed a new measuring system that can monitor the static and dynamic condition of buildings using just a few antennas. From the outside, the Kölnbrein Dam in Carinthia, which is operated by Verbund and is Austria's highest dam, and the DC Tower in Vienna, Austria's highest building, do not have much in common, but for a research group led by Caroline Schönberger and Werner Lienhart from the Institute of Engineering Geodesy and Measurement Systems at TU Graz, they are of equal scientific interest.

Physics - Computer Science - 29.11.2023
Quantum tool opens the door to new phenomena
Quantum tool opens the door to new phenomena
Theoretical predictions of quantum field theory confirmed experimentally for the first time Innsbruck scientists led by Peter Zoller have developed a new tool for determining entanglement in many-particle systems and demonstrated it in an experiment. The method enables investigations of previously inaccessible physical phenomena and can contribute to a better understanding of quantum materials.

Computer Science - Innovation - 27.11.2023
From the lab to the road: How TU Graz is making driver assistance systems safer
From the lab to the road: How TU Graz is making driver assistance systems safer
In the Christian Doppler Laboratory under his leadership, Franz Wotawa has developed test and monitoring procedures with company partner AVL that make common driver assistance systems safer. Intelligent Speed Assist, Emergency Brake Assist, Emergency Lane Keeping Assist, Driver Drowsiness Assist, Reversing Assist, Low Concentration Warning System or Emergency Brake Lights - from July 2024, a whole range of safety and driver assistance systems will be mandatory for all new cars in the European Union.

Physics - Computer Science - 21.11.2023
Limits for quantum computers: Perfect clocks are impossible
It is becoming increasingly easier to carry out calculations with quantum computers. However, calculations show that there are fundamental limits - namely the quality of the clock used. There are different ideas about how quantum computers could be built. But they all have one thing in common: you use a quantum physical system - for example individual atoms - and change their state by exposing them to very specific forces for a specific time.

Computer Science - 14.11.2023
New CPU Vulnerability Makes Virtual Machine Environments Vulnerable
New CPU Vulnerability Makes Virtual Machine Environments Vulnerable
By Falko Schoklitsch Researchers at TU Graz and the Helmholtz Centre for Information Security have identified a security vulnerability that could allow data on virtual machines with AMD processors to fall under the control of attackers. In the area of cloud computing, i.e. on-demand access to IT resources via the internet, so-called trusted execution environments (TEEs) play a major role.
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