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Environment - Architecture - 24.06.2022

By Christoph Pelzl The Graz Center of Sustainable Construction was officially opened yesterday at TU Graz. Its goals are to rethink construction in its entirety, reduce environmental impacts and make the built environment climate neutral.
Architecture - Social Sciences - 27.05.2020

By Ute Wiedner The current issue of the Graz Architecture Magazine (GAM) gathers together new collaborative living concepts under the title "gewohnt: un/common" and presents them for discussion as "rehearsal stages" for affordable living. Rising rents and the constantly growing struggle for living space show that the housing market in Europe, with its stereotypical floor plan typologies, is no longer able to react flexibly to changing requirements and the worsening social situation.
Architecture - Environment - 18.07.2019

By Ute Wiedner Is computer-aided design and construction with natural materials a contradiction in terms? Not for TU Graz architect Urs Hirschberg, who sees digital planning as an opportunity for sustainable architecture. News+Stories: You conduct research in the field of digital construction, or to put it more precisely, "augmented architecture".
Architecture - Materials Science - 21.12.2017

TU Graz highlights new features in the Smart City project "STELA". Instead of relying on high tech for the thermal refurbishment of existing multi-storey buildings, social compatibility returns to the centre stage of the project. Anna has now got more room. A wheelchair user, she lives on the ground floor of an 11-storey house in Leoben.