The Federal Chancellery and the Ministry of Social Affairs have awarded the State Prize for Voluntary and Honorary Commitment for the second time. Wiener Hilfswerk was awarded 3rd place in the "Innovation" category for its "Healthy for Life" project, which was developed and evaluated by the Medical University and continues to be carried out in cooperation.
According to recent studies, 10.8% of Austrians over the age of 65 are frail and 40.7% are classified as pre-frail. For Vienna, this means that 32,854 Viennese over the age of 65 are classified as "frail" and 123,809 as "pre-frail". This condition is associated with an increased risk of loss of independence and autonomy. It leads to a general loss of quality of life, an increased risk of falls, increased hospital admissions and admissions to nursing homes, and even increased mortality.
Intervention study by the Medical University of Vienna
As part of a randomized controlled intervention study by the Medical University of Vienna, funded by the Vienna Science and Technology Fund in cooperation with the Wiener Hilfswerk and the Sportunion, people aged 50 and over were examined who improved the health of elderly, malnourished and frail people as volunteer "health buddies". The core elements of the measure to prevent frailty are physical training, nutritional advice and social support. Health data was measured for both the frail people and the "buddies" before the intervention, after three months and after six months and then statistically analyzed.
The main results published
People who did twice-weekly physical training with the health buddies and talked about nutrition improved their physical performance and strength more than people who were only visited. However, positive effects were also visible in people who only received visits.
The study therefore shows that trained lay people are able to significantly improve the health and quality of life of frail and/or malnourished people. At the same time, they are doing something preventive to avoid frailty.
Continuation in cooperation with the Medical University of Vienna
After the effects were scientifically proven and it was shown that these home visits are effective, Wiener Hilfswerk took care of the continuation of the The "Healthy for Life" Participants are still being sought. //
Would you like to be visited by a health buddy?
The requirements are - At least 60 years of age - You live in Vienna - You live in your own home, not in a retirement home or nursing home - Consent from your family doctor - The persons to be visited will undergo a physiotherapeutic assessment in advance with regard to their functional capacity to participate. There are exclusion criteria with regard to illness-related events.
Would you like to become a Health Buddy?
Scope: 2 visits per week (approx. 1.5 hours) over a period of 3 months. Longer if you are interested, of course.
- Minimum age 50 years
- Participation in 4 three-hour training courses (in the evening)
- Empathy and a willingness to adapt to the circumstances of an older person
The Health Buddy training courses take place in cooperation with the Medical University of Vienna and Physio Austria.
If you are interested, please contact Nadja Kraski on +43 1 512 36 61-1662 or nadja.kraski(at)