There will be a change in the Executive Board of the Austrian Science Fund FWF at the beginning of September: at their most recent meeting, the members of the FWF Supervisory Board elected art historian Eva Kernbauer as the new Vice President for the Humanities and Social Sciences and medical scientist Christoph Binder as the new Vice President for Biology and Medicine following a public application procedure proposed by President Christof Gattringer.
"I am very pleased that with Eva Kernbauer and Christoph Binder we have not only been able to recruit two extremely renowned researchers in their fields, but also profound experts in research funding for the FWF Executive Board," said Heinz W. Engl, Chairman of the FWF Supervisory Board. I warmly congratulate them on their election."
FWF President Christof Gattringer is also looking forward to working well with the new members of the Executive Board: "With Eva Kernbauer and Christoph Binder, two researchers with scientific expertise and a forward-looking approach are strengthening the Executive Board. I look forward to continuing the successful development of the FWF as a modern and strong funding organisation for Austria’s basic research with the newly composed Executive Board. Our goal is to enable researchers from all’over the world to conduct world-class research here in Austria with attractive funding programmes," said FWF President Christof Gattringer, welcoming the two new members on behalf of the FWF’s Executive Board.
"I would like to thank the Supervisory Board for their trust and will do everything in my power to fulfil this responsibility. My commitment is to strengthening research excellence at Austria’s research centres and I am very much looking forward to this," said the designated Vice President Christoph Binder, delighted with his election.
About Christoph Binder
Christoph Binder is Professor of Atherosclerosis Research and Deputy Head of the Clinical Institute of Laboratory Medicine at the Medical University of Vienna. The laboratory physician researches the role of immune functions in cardiovascular diseases. Until 2021, he was also Principal Investigator at CeMM - Research Centre for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. He is a member of several national and international scientific societies. (Source FWF/APA)