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PhD candidate blockchain in eHealth 70%

WorkplaceLuzern, Central Switzerland, Switzerland
Occupation rate

Als grösste Bildungsinstitution der sechs Zentralschweizer Kantone ist die Hochschule Luzern mit ihrem Angebot am Puls der Zeit. Weitsichtig und innovativ, national und international vermitteln wir Wissen. Gestalten Sie mit und werden Sie Teil unserer gemeinsamen, nachhaltigen Zukunft.

Die Hochschule Luzern - Informatik ist das erste Informatik-Departement an einer Schweizer Fachhochschule. Wir bieten Bachelor- und Masterstudiengänge, die in Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft nachgefragt werden, sowie Weiterbildungen am Puls der Zeit, anwendungsorientierte Forschung in aktuellen Themenfeldern und praxisnahe Dienstleistungen.

As a PhD student you will work on researching, identifying, adapting and implementing applications of DLT in the domain of digital health. You will be integrated into the team, and you will contribute to some research projects, also in cooperation with national and international university and business partners. One of your main tasks will be to support and contribute to a research chair in cooperation with the University of Johannesburg (SA). Your research will focus on the different aspects of tokenomics, DAO, dual tokens, ZKP, and blockchain infrastructure towards a white label solutions for the storage, search and controlled share of information about physical and digital health-related asset and processes.
N.B: This position does not include research on DeFi (decentralized finance) related topics.
The starting date is March 2024 (or as arranged by mutual agreement).

We are looking for an individual to join our team with immediate effect or by mutual agreement as a

PhD Candidate blockchain in eHealth 70%


  • Conduct cutting-edge research in the field of blockchain application to the eHealth domain
  • Research, position and develop a solution concept for the storage, search and controlled share of information about physical and digital health-related assets and processes
  • Co-supervising student projects and bachelor/master’s assignments/theses
  • Interacting and collaborating with research partners in the project and business partners across Switzerland and internationally
  • Communicating research results to a range of audiences, including industrial partners and the scientific community (publications in journals and conferences)
  • Cooperate in the acquisition of national and international research projects in the application of blockchain technology across a variety of industries and helping in conducting them successfully in collaboration with and under the supervision other staff members


  • Master’s degree in Computer Science with very good marks (obtained or close to being obtained)
  • Experience with Ethereum and in developing smart contracts with Solidity
  • Experience with NodeJS (or other front-end and network oriented applications framework)
  • Proficiency in written and spoken English
  • Basic knowledge about ZKP/privacy-preservation, tokenomics, and dual usage tokens (Two-Token Economy) theory
  • Willingness to advance the state of the art and to communicate it at high-profile scientific venues (conference and journals)
  • Ability to work effectively alone but also in a collaborative team environment
  • (Desired) Previous knowledge and experience within the broad scope of the eHealth domain, in particular with respect to the peculiarities of medical information, the data protection

We offer

Unser Angebot
  • Attractive position with the possibility of obtaining a PhD (requires acceptance of an external accredited university)
  • An opportunity to further develop your own ideas and position yourself in your field of research nationally and internationally
  • An international working environment
  • Participation in high-profile conferences and workshops (based on publication acceptances)
  • Flexible working time and place

Current residence and knowledge of the specific Swiss/European economic, research, and education systems will be advantageous.

Contact and Address

Fachliche Auskünfte

Dr. Luca Mazzola
Co-Head Information Systems Research Lab


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In your application, please refer to myScience.at and reference JobID 43225.